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Good Maps

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9 years ago
The counterpoint to my bad map thread.

What are your favourite maps and why? Mine include:
- TitanDuel
- Ravaged
- Geyser Plains
- Bandit Plains
- Onyx Couldron
- Desert Cliffs
- Into Battle
- Desert Needle

Most of these maps are smallish, so there is no initial reprieve. None of them suffer from fatal clog ups, though porc is certainly something that can happen. Many of them have interesting expansion paths and map specifics that benefit different facs in different ways. I don't think any of these maps favour my playstyle (bandit plains might be an exception), they're just constantly engaging.

+0 / -0
Tangerine and ScorpioBattleground because they're both nice mixed maps. Didn't play them too much after amphibs were introduced, so this might be a tad out of date.

edit: Oh yeah and Eye of Horus because of the nice heightmap that makes for interesting games. Geospots are positioned well too.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
I think people already know mine :)

Eye of Horus

For the simple reason that they are the best looking maps and because they look nice I always pick them so I have lots of experience playing on them.

Honorable mentions:
Red Comet

Red Comet is easy on the eyes, perfectly sized for 1v1 and flat for vehicles but the craters make it more interesting compared to wide open maps. Cooper is a fun macro map, very straightforward gameplay. I get bored easily so I prefer short games but even though it's tiny, cooper really divides the weak macro players from the strong.
+0 / -0
I like Archers Valley because it is a nice big map with lots of room to move around in. The hills however divide this area up and create choke points. You play by fighting over hills to porc on, but can still just walk around.

Hide and Seek is another favorite because of the terrain, which splits up the map into zones. I also like how players don't start in the corner.

Onyx cauldron, Valles Marineris, Iceland, Quicksilver, Obsidian, Tombstone desert, and Dune patrol are all maps I like as well. Lots of room to move around with interesting terrain.

Plus all the maps mentioned before.(except desert cliffs)
+0 / -0
9 years ago
+0 / -0
It is sad that nobody actually has any interest of how the first matchmaking mappool will look like.
And yet this sort of threads appear.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
What actually remains to be said about the matchmaking map-pool?
+0 / -0

9 years ago
So, everyone agrees? Are we just waiting on someone to actually cut all but those maps from the 1v1 featured list, or are we just waiting for matchmaking?
+0 / -0
So far as I know (which is not much), it is waiting for matchmaking. OTOH maybe it's just waiting for someone to get around to it.

I mean, there are a handful of maps I'd like to see in the pool over some that are there at some stage, but on the basis that the pool will shift over time I'm personally content with it.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
I think culling every map mentioned in the bad map thread that isn't mentioned in this one would be a good start. We'd probably want to wait to see what others have to say first.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
The culling sounds good
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Guys come on!

Intersection v3!
Terra is good
Badlands is nice
Deadlands is not bad either

I mostly think about 1v1 maps though.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
AUrankAdminSaktoth mentions 2 of his own maps. Coincidence? I think not!
+1 / -0

9 years ago
If you want to have the map tagging change do these things:
  • Post on good maps which are not both featured and supported.
  • Post on bap maps which are featured and supported.

Some discussion may be required, that is what the map comments are for.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
In a happy world it would be cool to have ACL which allowed forum moderation and map curation to be provided without god-level admin status.
+1 / -0
what would be even cooler is a voting system on maps similar to what we have on forum

then we could filter map listings by popularity
+2 / -0
Even better - make it based on the players in a room! What good is a map ranking if people of a specific room all hate the #1 map?

If all players in a room tagged a map their favorite, then pick that map. For moar math, let every player give a map anywhere from -1 to 1 points (default 0) and let Springiee do epic hardcore overkill maximizing of score c4lcu1a7i0n5 to find the bestest map for the current swarm of lobsters in a given room.
+1 / -0

9 years ago
I like the idea, I'd be scared of homogenising the map pool though.

You could circumvent problems with only ever playing the lowest common denominator by adding map probability to the pot.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
a voting system on maps similar to what we have on forum

That's what we call achronal cheating.
+2 / -0
9 years ago
To prevent homogenization, just make it "with x% chance ignore players and pick a random featured map". x can be adjusted as people complain on the forums.
+0 / -0
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