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By MYrankAdminHistidine
The battle is evenly matched. Work with your ally to achieve victory!

Players: 1
Map: Titan-v2
Created:9 years ago
Played: 5136 times
Rated: 22 times
Rating: Your vote:
Difficulty: Your vote:

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Page of 2 (21 records)
9 years ago
+0 / -3

9 years ago
oh, another sfailman
+1 / -0

9 years ago
With capture cars capture enemy units and use against him. Even get master and commander award with his captured com. :D
Nice map for begginers to learn unit and building basics.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
+4 / -0
9 years ago
Decided to go with Spiders and gunships.

Ended up forgetting to do something from old TA habits of building too much.

Ally dies, figure I'll be fine, just a pair of AI.

Ogodwhycan'tIbuildshieldsfaster, why so many ZEUS?

Okay, I'm fine throw up a few stardust and high energy lasers under the shields, I'm fine.


Lol, just build more shields, plan.

Bombers incoming.

GG, mindless AI, your ability to dominate the entire map within seconds by not thinking about pesky things like contingency or over reaching your self has defeated my caution.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
I'm glad that it is working so well.
+0 / -0
lol finally beat it, I just glaive rushed their economy in the very begginning. I knocked out their entire base and one of their commanders haha
+1 / -0
9 years ago
Yay, that's how ZK works! Good job.
+0 / -0
I can see how this is one of the best rts games xD
+0 / -0
I can see how this is one of the best rts games

Only play in short bursts. Don't play 4+ hours a day or the toxicity will corrupt you. (At least from big team games)

And ignore the temptation to join the ranks of the vile tryhards. You'll stress yourself for no reason. Play for fun and enjoyment, not winning and you'll find the game very, very enjoyable. If you play to win, you'll find the game very frustrating.

It's a small community so there's bound to be few players at your level in 1v1. And big teams (Zero-k: All Welcomed) is basically where any human decency goes to die. 1v1 players are at least semi-socialable, but a large "skill difference" causes predictable games.

[End of briefing]

1.) Ascertain social hegemony thru manipulation and deception.
2.) Avoid critical existence failure causing mechanisms.
+0 / -0
What toxicity?
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Newbie-hating, raging, and so on. People take winning so serious that they tend to forget there's other human beings on the eother side of the monitor. I can only dread to think what will happen when you get even more people on this game. Hopefully it won't get worse. ^^
+0 / -0
9 years ago
I think it has gotten a lot better lately.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
It will get better Shaman.

More people equals:
- more people inhabiting the same elo niche
- obliteration of single room culture (no more waiting while noob prolongs game)
- noobs for noobs to play with
- pros for pros to play with
- people that aren't trolls to play with
+0 / -0

9 years ago
1.) Ascertain social hegemony thru manipulation and deception.
2.) Avoid critical existence failure causing mechanisms.

I congratulate you on your discovery of the User's Manual for Society.
+1 / -0
AUrankSnuggleBass I admire your optimism, but:

What about those who want to just play with giant robots and could give four damns less about elo/victory/blah blah blah?

Where's my "People who just want to play with giant robots will be able to in peace without some asshole barking up their tree for not playing the way they want them to?".. Actually that's a mouthful.. nevermind. Lol.

- obliteration of single room culture (no more waiting while noob prolongs game

What makes you think it won't just make it worse with eleventy billion zillion spectators in a single room? This could be solved by limited a room to a total of 40 players. But that'll never happen.

I congratulate you on your discovery of the User's Manual for Society.

Too bad it doesn't come with an awesome backstory that is in badly translated English. Sigh..
+0 / -0
This could be solved by limited a room to a total of 40 players. But that'll never happen.

Once we get ~254 players in one room the problem will be solved! \o/
(let's just hope people won't spec or try to play while waiting for open slots like they did in the past)
+0 / -0

9 years ago
You can go higher skasi, but luaui breaks at ~252 (+/-1).
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Max human players is 251.
Using bots you can achieve 254 teams, to which Spring also adds Gaia as the 255th.
+0 / -0
#define char __uint128_t
+0 / -0
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