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Bugs during/after installation of Zero-K

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Here what I and get during installation of Zero-K using Zero-K.setup.exe on Windows 7.

Before shotrcut apperas on desktop:
"Move failed, please copy Zero-K to writable folder". But anything goes well. My download directory IS writable folder. And spring files location directory IS writable folder too.
My friends report that kind of issue.
Someone should check that ClickOnce intaller.

I know, maybe it is minor bug, but it is lives for really long time. For year at least.
+5 / -0

10 years ago
same problem here
+0 / -0

9 years ago
I've just done a fresh install on a new computer with no change in writing directory, I experience the same bug.

Every time I launch ZK I get the error "Startup directory is not writable, ZeroK will be moved to mygames/spring" (But never does)
Followed by a few minutes of nothing,
Then "Move failed, please copy Zero-K to writable folder"
Then ZKLobby launches anyways

Problem with installer on windows 7? I've tried selecting said folder and setting all files/folder to be writable but same issue.

How to fix?
+0 / -0

9 years ago
everyone has this issue, nobody cares enough to fix it
+0 / -0