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Broken Icon Distance

6 posts, 635 views
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10 years ago
Unit icon distance tends to break when you put the camera in a perspective other than default and then back. Try using COFC, holding ctrl or alt while holding middle click, moving the camera a bit, resetting it, and zoom out. Not only do the icons become extremely tiny but you have to zoom extremely far out to get them to appear. It's even worse when you switch back from first person spectating.
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10 years ago
Tell me what the UnitIconDist is in springsettings.cfg.
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10 years ago
Also, do you have the Icon Height widget on?
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10 years ago
BTW, how do you switch back from first person spectating? Alt-V did not work with me...
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10 years ago
how about ctrl + v?
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It's set to 151 and icon height widget is off.
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