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Zero-K Lobby tooltips

8 posts, 699 views
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10 years ago
I know this a weird bug but I use a tiling manager on Linux with mono. When ever I hover a game in the lobby the tooltip takes up the whole screen.
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10 years ago
Which wm is it? Awesome and i3 (as far as I know) have floating mode for tooltips/dialogs to prevent this.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
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10 years ago
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10 years ago
sorry. Maybe it is wrong post of me... but when u use wm with tiling like awesome or xmonad why do u use ZKL?
Maybe I can suggest u flobby ( https://github.com/cleanrock/flobby )
which would fit in your minimal style. It supports engine profiles and much more-
Btw. flobby available as .deb for ubuntu derivates and debian...

if u need assistance for flobby write me or pm me. :-)
+0 / -0
Zero-K Lobby has the best integration with Zero-K... so other lobbies would need modifications(e.g. extensions, plugins).
+0 / -0

10 years ago
ZKL doesn't even have a subscribe button :P
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Thats on purpose, ZK aim is simplicity/minimal stuff.. subscribing for chat is something only handful of devs need..
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