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Planets³ (Planets Cube) and Cube World

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For Voxel Lovers, 2 RPGS to flow:
Planets³ (Planets Cube):

Cube World:

More at Voxel Games (Vox, EverQuest Next: Landmark, Etc...):
+1 / -0
:D i actualy love the way voxle based games are headed atm, minecraft may have been (admitedly) extremly basic but these are starting to get to the point where there can be huge amounts of complexity and mutability without demanding immense prosessor loads since voxles are much cheaper then "real" simulations

im wating for a voxle based game where your voxle sword(that can be costom made) actualy takes noticable damage to its structural integrety with use, and this damage has an effect on its effectiveness

once we get there it will be epic :D
+1 / -0
11 years ago
Just posting that Planets³ now have a KS:
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11 years ago
Will it be possible to smash cubic moons into cubic planets?
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There will be spaceships (and you can make "vehicles" from scratch, see video), so maybe it's possible if you add a lot of engines/propulsor/jet to the moon/asteroids?
But no idea, you have to ask the devs...
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One more:
Voxel Quest:



"The world is seamless and consists of over 100 quintillion unique voxels at the default settings. That is 100,000,000,000,000,000,000 voxels. If each voxel were just a byte, that would be 100 million terabytes of data"

+0 / -0
10 years ago
ahhh here come the 1GB sized save files ^.^
+1 / -0

10 years ago
That's indeed kind of impressive to look at. Now, the question is, can it handle any kind of real deformation? Or just boolean geometry (i mean, that works too, it just grows bigger and bigger over time...)?
+0 / -0
See the youtube video, maybe him talk about it there.
In the update text the only part i did see about boolean geometry was this:
VQ is one of the few game engines I know of that is truly volumetric. That means that every object is solid in a non-trivial manner. If you slice a brick wall in half, you will find every brick laid out properly in the new cross section. The same goes for any other material or object. It also supports boolean geometry - you can create a cube and "subtract" a sphere from it. Even more intelligent types of intersections are possible - for example you can notice in the buildings each segment is intelligently walled off when it is added or removed. Because everything is evaluated on a point by point basis in 3D space, it is extremely easy to define objects mathematically (in fact, every object is basically defined by a few equations, and most of the shapes are derived from superellipsoids). Every object is currently voxel based with the exception of grass blades, which were easier to implement with polygons. There are no "textures" in the traditional sense, there are only voxels. In this sense, the engine is kind of driven by 3D textures that are not painted on but rather apply to the entire volume of an object.

+0 / -0

10 years ago
The youtube video is exactly what evoked my comment.
+0 / -0
So Try http://www.voxelquest.com/contact.html ?

Oh, it have a Steam Greenlight if anyone want to vote for it, and you could try asking there too.
+0 / -0
Voxel Quest KS is live:

I hope it is successful, just love voxel games :)
It's in a early stage that the another games, but seem to have the most detailed voxel use, with make me happy :)
Memory requirements looks big, but till it's released that amount should be normal.
Video say it come with full source code too.
+1 / -0
Update 2:
Voxel Quest Source Code will be in a public github repository:

I'm putting it in a public github repository. Pirates will a way either way, so I'm not concerning myself with DRM or protecting the code. However, if somebody attempts to use the code then resell it without licensing it or requiring VQ keys, and their product becomes at all popular, I will probably send a cease and desist (again, I hate legal stuff but at this point you can't give others total free reign, or else they could put me out of business by undercutting my prices, etc). Also as mentioned: once I get enough money to keep the company afloat indefinitely, I would like to go full open source under a permissive license (ZLib, MIT, etc).

So seem like it will be a non-commercial, but open source license, and later may go to (ZLib,MIT, etc.) that allows commercial use.
+0 / -0
Voxel game thread. Years ago i wanted to document the minecraft clone fad and made this: http://www.listal.com/list/sandbox-games-ran88dom99 (second section). Also http://www.listal.com/video/10459015 http://www.listal.com/video/10471038 .
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