Not sure if transport still under used, but think a nice bluff to it could be a UI button for when you nap a unit it fly very high and "force drop" the unit so it die from fall damage.
+0 / -0
Transports are used (Google keeps dropping Wubriors on people's bases). You can already increase fall damage through horizontal speed. An ability to increase altitude would get abused to bypass non-cylindrical weaponry.
+0 / -0
Wait, I thought fall damage was calculated based on (negative) dot product between surface normal and velocity? In that case, horizontal speed would do absolutely nothing on flat ground...
+0 / -0
I think I once read something about horizontal speed dealing a fraction of the damage (on a flat surface).
+0 / -0
Horizontal damage is half the vertical.
+0 / -0
Did think all AA was cylindrical, did get get better "flex-AA" units? Anyway, so make it use it's horizontal speed and drop unit off map? (if i remember correct this almost always kill a unit). P.S.: did the newton + Transport "bug" get fixed?
+0 / -0
Some AA is not cylindrical (eg. Razor). Cylindrical AA projectiles still take time to arrive and can fall short given enough altitude. Flex AA is even worse at shooting stuff that is up high due to lower range. Newton + Transports were fixed.
+0 / -0
The light transport should be added to the athena build options. It would fit really well with the theme of the unit.
+8 / -0
Another idea to make transport more widely used, is simple to add the ability to transport to Crane, was every one need builders, them may end up using is secondary ability to transport too.
+0 / -0
quote: Not sure if transport still under used, but think a nice bluff to it could be a UI button for when you nap a unit it fly very high and "force drop" the unit so it die from fall damage. |
That is not merely a UI button. It is the addition of an ability.
+1 / -0
quote: That is not merely a UI button. It is the addition of an ability. |
Oh yes, never did say it's a merely a UI button, it's a new ability for sure, the button part was just the way to use it, and i also have no idea how difficult is to code that, it' just a random idea/suggestion that i did feel like posting, to make ferry point etc, more used, nothing very serious. You could try to add a transport function (similar to Valkyrie) to Crane if you do not think it will mess with balance too much, code wise it should be easier (copy past?), anyway just a suggestion.
+0 / -0
quote: Another idea to make transport more widely used, is simple to add the ability to transport to Crane, was every one need builders, them may end up using is secondary ability to transport too. |
Yes please and make a krow to be transportable by vindi too. Thanks! Another idea: How abaut make valkiries transport mexes? It would definetly encourage players build them more often!
+0 / -2
quote: How abaut make valkiries transport mexes? |
Make them pick up windgens, for that extra altitude bonus! Aerial Transports being underused is a meta thing.    GoogleFrog often performs devastating wubrior drops so it is powerful when used right, ie. the disuse does not come from lack of power. All you can do is encourage people to use it. Now, Naval Transport (ie. Surfboard) is a different story. People seem to be mostly using it for getting land mechanics (like Domi) onto sea, but it doesn't seem particularly good at it. It's too expensive to use with light units and too light to use with heavy units. One use case I can think of is picking up Serpents to remedy their crappy handling, since they're pretty cheap in comparison, share the fac and don't get stuck when dropped in water. For the most part, Surfboard's a gimmick.
+3 / -0
what is the "wubrior" tactic? Can anyone please link to a replay showing @Googlefrog's transport tactics in action?
+0 / -0
Build ~10 Riots (eg. Warriors), build the same amount of Valkyries, pick up the riots, drop them inside the enemy base. For an example watch the game starting at ~39:30 on 2014/08/23 2v2 Tournament - Semifinals: Lauri & Flipstip vs GoogleFrog & Aquanim - Zero-K. For more examples search through Shadowfury's 2v2 tournament casts that include GoogleFrog.
+0 / -0
Is this effective with another unit beside Warriors? And going back a little, there any way to "force drop" a unit beside, "ctrl + d" (self destruct)?
+0 / -0
Obviously any unit that can dish out damage but has mobility problems is a good candidate. Force drop ability has been there for like a year already.
+0 / -0
quote: Build ~10 Riots (eg. Warriors) |
quote: Is this effective with another unit beside Warriors? |
Nobody can say I didn't try! QQ
+1 / -0
There are other drops that work, like zeus drop, mace drop and scallop drop. But neither of them are as gotod as warrior drop (maby besdies the scallop one).
+0 / -0