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Dynasty clans - stop ceasefiring empire

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13 years ago
Empire is the strongest, its time to ally against it, not with it!
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13 years ago
I told them a week ago. You are SLOW.
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13 years ago
We're not that large yet, there are 150 planets, we hold 22. That is 6%. It is fruitless to fight eachother now, we will all be wasting ships we could spend on expanding instead.

Why does Licho address only the Dynasty clans? Because they're the ones he has a shared border with. I will offer a tech trade deal to any Dynasty clan willing to hold the border at Kalydoen. This will let you out-expand the free machines and take more worlds for yourselves.
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13 years ago
lol @ sakoth trying to save his ass :)
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13 years ago
22/150 = 14.66%
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13 years ago
20.9% you only need 70%
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13 years ago
Sorry, 1/6th not 6%. Either way, conquest victory is virtually impossible. You want to watch out for the factions with the artifacts, the cybernetics have one, have cornered the second, are 2 worlds from the third, have all techs ALREADY, are only 2 worlds behind us and gaining.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
They're far richer than us too, almost all thier worlds have level 3 mines, they have the most IP of any single clan or single player, and a lot of active players. It looks like the Ascended are back in Ascension.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
I think this game will end with eco victory and the faction with most planets will win.

Techs are far too cheap and the number of planets is too big so eco will skyrocket. (Structures generally far too cheap imo)
+0 / -0
13 years ago
It also kinda sucks that 3 of 5 artifacts are clumped near cybernetics' startpoint, it would have been nice if the artefacts' and starting planets' distribution was more even
+0 / -0
13 years ago
You decided not to start near the artifacts...
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Empire got both more planets and credits than cybernetic. We cant get those 2 artifact worlds so tech victory is kinda useless atm.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I didn't decide not to start near artifacts, silly Rick.
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13 years ago
Sprung truth is that artefacts was closest to LH faction. Lanandi (or so, homeworld of rage) - 1 world to artefact. And Echanzien (or so - homeworld of DrK) - 1 world to artefact. 3rd artefact is 4th worlds to rage homeworld. Mass homeworld was 4 worlds to 2 artefacts, and even more to 3rd. So what you saying is just bullshit. You just was too lazy to get it and secure it.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
And despite anything, it doesn't matter much if faction has 1 or 2 artefacts very close. it's because you always need ALL of them, so even if you got 4 you still need 5th. The main thing is that all artefacts are all over the galaxy, so it's hard to get them all, and there's always some that are far far away from your start.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
The last 2 artifacts are kinda on the other side of the galaxy not very easy to get...3 artifacts is useless unless you get 2 more.
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13 years ago
Right, Rick. It's so super duper hard to capture a planet in PW. Happens like once in a year. And two is twice as hard! Two years. :O
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Ehm ye you like surounded that planet completely? To get them we would have to fight all other factions and you can fortify that planet so its really hard to take.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Bullshit, there are jumpgates. You just need a few of them, they aint even too expensive. Capturing only two planets is super easy this way. Holding them is another issue, but that doesn't matter if you won already.
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13 years ago
Yes, we were indeed closer, but i didnt even take LH into account. I mean, look at the LH clans, the top ones are mediocre at best
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