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Youtube monetization

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13 years ago
Hello! I have a question - is it ok to post videos of gameplay of Zero-K on youtube and sing them for monetization (adding ads & making $$ on them)? Or do you -devs- somewhere disagree with it or have something in mind against it? :)

Would love to know the answer :D
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13 years ago
Considering that everything being GPL means you could technically take the Zero-K source itself and repackage and sell it, I think you are fine.

Actually, youtube partners give great publicity to their games, like Yogscast gives great publicity for Minecraft, and are a huge benefit to their respective game.

So the more money you make from youtube, actually the better it is for the ZK devs and community!
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Yeah feel free to make such videos, though donations for serve cost are always handy, if you make good enough video to get money, all the good :)
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Thank You very much for answer :P
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Ready to subscribe! :D
+0 / -0
13 years ago
1 ready subscriber here too.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
A little offtopic. How's really with GPL? What do you mean you can repackage it and sell. For sure you must contribute the authors, so leave all authors comments, and who made it. But does that mean i can add something to GPL product, change it name, leave all comments and contributions, and then sell?
+0 / -0

13 years ago
You can read on the GPL here:

Please understand, I'm not encouraging or endorsing people to repackage and/or sell it. That generally would be a detriment to the efforts that the devs make for free (Unlike videos, which would be a great help). But, under the technicalities of the GPL, it would be legally allowed.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
The product is and remains GPL and must have its source code distributed for free regardless of what you do with it, which means it remains FOSS. There is also some art content which is not under the GPL (I think there is probably some CC-NC stuff in there which would have to be changed before the product could be sold, and some stuff for which we have explicit permission).
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