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Why exactly b/c KingGodRaptor locks threads

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@KingRaptor needs admin removed. KingGodRaptor is so thin skinned he can't take the word turd. He thinks it is directed at him because he knows what he did.

He then retaliates and locks the thread. I'm sure he'll just delete this thread too. Someone who has some pull needs to make sure this self-proclaim god of all admins doesn't have the keys to the castle.


This thread shows he has no common sense ability to enforce and rules. Banning someone for team killing report without even watching the match or checking for facts. Match was over, and I won the match as well.

Blocking the forum thread but leaves the site open so I can see his foolish in arrogant response but unable to respond.

I don't care how much coding @KingRaptor does. He will be a poison to this entire game if allowed to continue with his attitude.

Maybe is it a language barrier. Maybe it is a cultural thing. Maybe he just a piss poor human being.

I'm going to go with he has a huge ego and a power-trip because he contributes to Zero-K. Thin skinned. Takes offense to the slightest word he feels is an insult.


+1 / -10
10 years ago
I should also mention that in prior threads @KingRaptor has posted the IP address of ZK user he feels are less than him.

That right there should be removal of privileges.

Everyone remembers the laugh out loud placate the masses ban he served after being a jerk in a thread.

@KingRaptor is indeed the pivot man.
+0 / -1

10 years ago
These threads are the perfect type for locking.

I'd consider him a bad Admin if he DIDN'T lock and/or delete this thread...

Putting aside the thickness of his skin, he contributes WAY more to the game as a whole with all of the coding he does, as well as the thread locks/deletes compared to what complaints he may recieve because someone doesn't agree with his way of managing the forum.
+4 / -0

Deliberately attacking or blocking allied units ... is the most serious violation. Never attempt to intentionally grief the game for your teammates.

(emphasis mine)

You broke the rules, QQ

Maybe now you'll have time to read them.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
If nuking myself, others, and the enemy at the end of a won match is considered briefing then that's an incorrect definition.

I know I'm not going to get anywhere but in my boredom I found a Steam discussion on Greenlight where is he making baseless accusations at someone.. In fact he accuses that person of being a few people, including toot. It's not toot, why? Because I am toot.

Like @KingRaptor likes to make up that he sees a repeated pattern. I am pointing out his repeated pattern of being an ego maniac on a power trip becase he is a willful contributor to an opensource spring mod.


Histidine [author] Jul 26 @ 8:51pm
As for "if you don't like someone then you report them," the only things like this that have happened any time recently involved either:
1) Trolls being banned and reporting the admins who banned them for being unfair
2) A particular individual that had been doing #1 has recently taken to reporting others for offences perceived to be similar in nature or effect to the one he was last penalized for. Some of the reports did in fact show an actionable offence upon inspection, others did not (and there were a number of offences in the same matches that said individual did not report).

Reports that don't provide chatlogs or replay links get ignored, so you can't just make something up and get someone banned for it.

Histidine [author] Jul 26 @ 8:29pm
If skasski is correct about who SoCheese is, then you might want to know where he's coming from regarding admins:

The thing that got him permanently booted was using multiple smurfs (alt accounts) and using them to go into people's games and votekick them, then dodging a temp ban to do it again. Since then he has been repeatedly attempting to ban dodge, often using accounts with names like "HITLER_wozERE," "jewber" and "irishinbred." Before that, he made a map with a (Hindu) swastika on it and anonymously set all the public rooms to use it, then tried to pretend it was due to player popularity (the map had never been played before). (He wasn't penalized for this)

tl;dr - him complaining about admin abuse is like Ted Bundy complaining about an unfair justice system.
+0 / -2
You can all worship @KingRaptor out of fear or envy. I will not.
+0 / -2
Loper, even if KingRaptor was just sitting in his fluffy chair abusing his powers just because he can, and did deserve to be de-throned or whatever your goal is by fighting this, it will never happen because he does have a very good reputation in the 'small town' community, and nobody would support it anyway.

Finding evidence to support his bad decisions isn't going to help anyone, you or me or a dirtbag.

Besides that, Raptor is a good admin, and I'm sure he has a good reason for any decision he makes involving Zero-K, so we should just trust him and LET IT GO.
(Pretty please with like two cherries on top)

Nobody likes forum drama, but almost everybody likes cherries.

* * * EDIT * * *

I just realized you can't upvote/downvote your own posts ;D
I always thought it was hilarious to be able to do that on forums
+1 / -0

I think the message here toots is "you're toxic and we don't want anything to do with you any more".
+2 / -0
Seriously? I wasn't going to bring up the part where you defamed the admin team on the Greenlight comments section due to (clearly misplaced) leniency on my part, and here you are bringing it up. I can't think of a word or phrase that adequately describes the manner in which you insist on making yourself look worse with your "defences".

In case anyone doubts SoCheese was toot (was USrankHONKAHONK was USrankloper), look at his Greenlight comments, then this Spring forum thread, then consider the following:
-appears within a day of t[O_o]t being banned
-accuses devs/admins of being arrogant, hostile (those words specifically), etc.
-concedes that the game itself is decent, but ruined by the evil admins
-complains that being banned from ZK bans him from BA as well
-when devs reply, call them hostile (and arrogant, in this ZK thread) again
-is completely oblivious to the hypocrisy of doing the above while repeatedly insulting them and their character
-alleges that we only get away with it because we (i.e. Licho) runs the Spring server
-did I mention he really likes the word "hostile" (and "arrogant")?

This thread shows he has no common sense ability to enforce and rules. Banning someone for team killing report without even watching the match or checking for facts. Match was over, and I won the match as well.

Yes, I watched the replay - three times, in fact. Yes, I know the match was over, and you won. I'd invite you to explain how either of these factors (particularly the second one - it's not griefing if you won?) mean an unrepentant troll like you should escape any penalty, if I was interested in permitting you to troll any further.

Your main account penalty is now a month long lobby+site ban. If you insist on playing Krishna's banhammer with me...
+1 / -0
I've always liked being able to look at people's edits in forum

It's fun to see what people take the time to edit, especially in a world where most don't take the time to even look at what they say the first time... :P

+1 / -0
10 years ago
Zero-K is a technocratic oligarchy.

You have no rights; only privileges granted by the powers of oligarchy.

Life will be a lot more fun if you avoid drawing attention to your defenseless self!

If you made a new account, how long would it take to rebuild your elo?
+0 / -0
10 years ago
how is this still not locked?
+1 / -0

10 years ago
King God Raptor is a generous god.
+1 / -1
This post has been downvoted below -5 and collapsed, click here to expand
typical KR, he does it because he likes to get the last word, his thread locks or forum bans are almost always preceded by insult or attack on character to which you can't respond

op forum tactic, definitely not admin abuse
+2 / -8

10 years ago
Even in the hypothetical scenario where KR had made a mistake in being too harsh when banning toot from teamkilling, I find the demands stupid that for this he should lose his admin rights. This would be unjust toward admins, as shown in this chart:

Troll, deliberately griefs -> usually gets temporarily banned

Admin, makes an error when doing something for the benefit of the community -> gets deadminned forever
+1 / -0

10 years ago
implying this is first time KR failed as admin
+0 / -0
typical KR, he does it because he likes to get the last word, his thread locks or forum bans are almost always preceded by insult or attack on character to which you can't respond

op forum tactic, definitely not admin abuse

That is literally and exactly not what KR has done here. This thread would have been better closed after his reply, and yet it has been left open anyway.

Your point is nonsense anyway. Would you prefer KR ban you in the middle of a discussion and not tell you why?

Even in the hypothetical scenario where KR had made a mistake in being too harsh when banning toot from teamkilling, I find the demands stupid that for this he should lose his admin rights.

Eh, the trolls scream and bawl whenever they lose their licence to troll. I don't see anyone else taking this request seriously.
+2 / -0

10 years ago
implying this is first time KR failed as admin

the only admin failure as far as I'm concerned is that toot hasn't been permbanned yet
+2 / -0
These threads are the perfect type for locking.

KR was deleting my posts (and forum banned me) for telling my own point of view in a unit balance thread. No offence nor "bad language" was in the posts, he just considered them as a ''troll posts'' as I was finding the unit complitely fine. So, well.. ya'know.
+0 / -1
KR was deleting my posts (and forum banned me) for telling my own point of view in a unit balance thread. No offence nor "bad language" was in the posts, he just considered them as a ''troll posts'' as I was finding the unit complitely fine. So, well.. ya'know.

I haven't seen the posts nor seen the ban. Knowing you though I don't have much sympathy. Perhaps I would if I'd seen the posts, who knows.
+0 / -0
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