Few recent events have caught my attention and I believe fueled the need to change the current ELO system:

[Er0]Godde lost his 1st place in the ladder due to few losses (one of them was that he needed to go I believe)

kaen GTG in one of the games with lower elo player, which costed him place in 1vs1 top-50.
Now the rationale.
The current ELO rating system makes low-skill vs high skill player matches uneven. High skill player has a lot to lose and almost nothing to win. Besides an accidental loss to lower skill player, a lot of things might go wrong: crash, desync, disconnect, urgent GTG, smurf of high level player, etc. A low skill player on the other hand doesn't practially risk with anything.
Secondly, lots of existing players don't play anymore, however stay in the ratings. I believe some change was made like month or two ago and inactive players don't appear in the ladder, however when they reappear, they still will have the same old rating.
The proposal is following. To change the ELO rating calculation that it only takes into account wins and ignore losses. As before, the amount of elo gained by wining, would still depend on the difference between pre-game elo, however some small changes might still be needed here. To compensate for increased ELO of the winner the ELO of the rest of the gang (basically all other players in the list/ladder) should become "deflated" in order that medium or median ELO stays say around 1500.
The benefits:
1) Single accidental loss to lower ELO player wouldn't harm like it does today. Urgent GTGs, disconnects, loss to smurfs, etc. are also compensated by this change.
3) People will play more:
3a) Less mental blocks, like "a loss will cost me my 1st/top-10/top-50 place".
3b) The more people play(and win) the more they gain and the more the rest of the playerbase gets deflated
4) Inactive part of the playerbase doesn't preserve their place in the rating and gradually goes down the ladder.
Let me know what you think, folks.