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Zero-K v1.2.8.18

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10 years ago
This version has many fixes and some small changes to UI and balance. Economy Panel now displays net income so if you were someone who thinks that is a vital feature you can now try it out. Superweapons are now "balanced" and mobile AA knows how to use mobility to beat Brawler.


Increased Disco Rave Party weird utility effects:
  • Red: Boring old damage, unchanged.
  • Orange: 25% larger napalm.
  • Yellow: 20% more impulse.
  • Green: 50% or so larger smooth radius.
  • Blue: 50% more EMP damage and 150% more time.
  • Violet: 100% more slow damage.

General Starlight nerf:
  • Cost 35k -> 40k
  • Health 12k -> 10k
  • Groove Cutter damage reduced by 10%. This weapon is the source of almost all Starlight's damage.

Unit AI

  • Added support for units to skirm a unit until it enters range and then swarm it.
  • Added Brawler to the swarm list of mobile AA.
  • Added tactical AI for Crasher.


  • Enabled the centralized default UI enabler on the first run of ZK. This has been in place but inactive for the past week. If you have not run ZK in the last week your interface panels will be moved around.
  • Economy Panel now has the old Net displayed below the resource icon. Storage is displayed on the storage bars and these bars have customizable width.
  • Slow damage is displayed in the Space+Click menu.
  • Fixed waypoint dragger widget and renamed it. If anyone had it enabled they need to reenable it.
  • Deluxe player list respects visibility setting on load.
  • Reduced the Claw (Wolverine mine) radar icon.


  • Fixed Air Repair Pads (all types) repairing 50% faster than normal repair for the same energy cost.
  • Fixed bug with morphed nanoframes dropping wreckage.
  • Drone build progress obeys status effects (Slow, Disarm, EMP).
  • Starlight obeys Disarm (Groove Cutter does not yet obey Slow).
  • Thunderbird obeys status effects after it starts a run (Slow reduces the fire rate, EMP and Disarm prevent firing).

Notable changes between v1.2.8.11 and v1.2.8.17

  • Fixed flame effect. Units which are on fire now look like they are on fire.
  • New attack sound for Scythe.
  • Added many options to the new chat.
  • Fixed paralysis threshold. It was accidentally based on maximum health for 2 month. It is now back to current health. Zeus, Panther and Venom were unaffected by the bug.
+7 / -0

10 years ago
=== Unit AI ===
  • Added support for units to skirm a unit until it enters range and then swarm it.
  • Added Brawler to the swarm list of mobile AA.
Dancefloor Jethro is now the default.


Also, is adding Flail to the swarmiee group a good idea? It can outpace a Brawler and veh pathing can make swarming a bit harder.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Once a swarmer is in range of their target they like to jink around at a certain distance. If they are too close they jink outwards. Flail will always consider itself too close to a Brawler and jink out of range where it will start skirming again.
+1 / -0

10 years ago
can you turn outline and xray shader on by default pls

took me a while to realize why my zk install was so ugly before I remembered that they exist

not sure why you changed chat box either, old one is better
+0 / -0
10 years ago
* New attack sound for Scythe.

Make it slightly quieter. For teh 1st time I heard it I though that I accidenatly turned on Skyrim, and some ninja was attacking me with dual daggers. It is twice as loud as other sounds while at once being simmilar to fingernails scraching down the blackboard. Nerf plox.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
I thought that some ninja was attacking me

That's more or less what happened, no?
+0 / -0
10 years ago
That's more or less what happened, no?

But in wrong game.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
can you turn outline and xray shader on by default pls
No, they have bad performance.

not sure why you changed chat box either, old one is better
The old one was awful. Mess around with the settings to make it have a similar layout to the old chat while being much better.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
I think I literally wouldn't be willing to put up with such ZK graphics nowadays if it wasn't for these widgets. My PC is completely outdated and I can run high settings with them activated perfectly fine. Whatever the performance drop may be, it's a small price to pay for making the game look like it belongs in this century.

The only problem I have with old chat is that ugly 'docking' widget you have to activate to use keep position memorized. I used new chat for about 2 seconds but I could tell it full of derp because even after I moved the chat box into the right position, the text was appearing in completely the wrong place.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
New chat doesnt work fine to me either. It makes every text everywhere (even units descroption boxes) is blured wich makes it hardly readable. Turning off new chat widget fixed it.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
* Added Brawler to the swarm list of mobile AA.

+3 / -0

10 years ago
new economy panel (F11 -> Gui -> chili economy panel) could use some more darken colors for the mid energy / metal bar. Or is it my eyes?
+2 / -0

10 years ago
New chat doesnt work fine to me either. It makes every text everywhere (even units descroption boxes) is blured wich makes it hardly readable. Turning off new chat widget fixed it.
That is an ordinary bug (and the first I have heard of it) not a problem with the style of the chat.
+1 / -0

10 years ago
New chat doesnt work fine to me either. It makes every text everywhere (even units descroption boxes) is blured wich makes it hardly readable. Turning off new chat widget fixed it.

"/luaui reload" will fix that. It happens occasionally and is a known engine bug.

new economy panel (F11 -> Gui -> chili economy panel) could use some more darken colors for the mid energy / metal bar. Or is it my eyes?

Noted. At present they are using the same colours as the storage bars, but mostly transparent.
+1 / -0

10 years ago
As a side note, I like how that obscure knorke reference made its way into the stable pic.
+2 / -0
10 years ago
A quick thought: is it possible/feasible to make the DRP projectile type selectable?
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Everyone would just use red shot
+0 / -0

10 years ago
ive thought ammo selection would be cool, maybe make red shot kinda weak, even make bertha ammo selectable, make a long reload for changing ammo or something
+0 / -0
10 years ago
ammo selection would be cool

The weapon is called "Disco Rave Party" for a reason and you are trying to ruin it.
+2 / -0
10 years ago
Suuuuure but it's...... wacky. Would be nice if it was something you used with a bit of strategy, instead of for lulz. Starlight for precision, Zenith for area suppression, DRP for something in between.
+0 / -0
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