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13 years ago
Two factions was a bad idea for the following.
1.faction will always outnumber the other instead of the usual 2-1-1 which would kind of balance it self.
2.if ur allies play on ur planet destroy ur wormhole and take your planet there is no way for you to take it back unless the other faction attacks that planet.
3.and the new thing that you cant fight the people in your own faction just made it worse
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13 years ago
I think you can declare war on them
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13 years ago
We have already argued pretty extensively about the pros and cons of a 2-faction system.

I think this is an experiment and not a permanent change. What happens with factions in the next round will depend on how this round pans out.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
1. Factions consistently outnumbered eachother in last round, IVL lost several worlds when burp played where his enemies were 100% pirate and he still had unaligned on his own team. By the end, the factions were forming into two major blocks, with freemachines + ascended vs trueborn + empire, which made balancing even worse and often ended up with people winning but their enemies still getting more IP from an alliance.
2. There is no way for someone to do this unless they successfully defended the planet, IE you held it by too small a margin and they earnt it.
3. You couldnt do that in the last round, either?

Yeah, each round will have different factions and setups, its meant to be an evolving storyline.
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