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Planets: 23
Commanders: 59
Combat skill:1503
"Freedom and equality"

Liberal pluralism. Chaotic, disorganized, loose and free.

Federation is a weak alliance of liberal cultures, planets and small interstellar empires. It's origins can be traced to the times of Humanity Rising's fight for freedom against machines.
Now, this extremely tolerant and generally peaceful entity, gives rights and freedom back to lesser aliens and even conscious machines its ancestors once defeated.


Metal: 556
Dropships: 37
Bombers: 0
Warp cores:0
Energy produced:+1450
Energy demand:-1230
Metal from planets:+23
Infrastructure: 9525

Faction roles

Secretary of Defense 
Home Secretary PRrankScrangos
Foreign Secretary LUrankAdminAnir
General NLrankmalric, PLrankRafalpluk, CArankSippio, NLrankBlackdutchie, GBrank[Fx]Drone, DErankAdminmojjj, LUrankAdminAnir, NZrankmarkivs, EErankNorthChileanG, ILranknimor, ROrankSigero, DErankkatastrophe, USrankDrDuck, PHrankBIG_BEAR, MYrankHougo, USrankrs95035, GBrankaragon
Administrator NLrankmalric, PLrankRafalpluk, CArankSippio, CHrankConnetable, NLrankBlackdutchie, DErankAdminmojjj, LUrankAdminAnir, NZrankmarkivs, EErankNorthChileanG, ILranknimor, ROrankSigero, DErankkatastrophe, PHrankBIG_BEAR, MYrankHougo
Diplomat NLrankmalric, CHrankConnetable, DErankAdminmojjj, LUrankAdminAnir
Lieutenant NLrankmalric, PLrankRafalpluk, CArankSippio, NLrankBlackdutchie, PTrankraaar, GBrank[Fx]Drone, DErankManu12, DErankAdminmojjj, LUrankAdminAnir, NZrankmarkivs, EErankNorthChileanG, ILranknimor, ROrankSigero, DErankkatastrophe, DErankTopkack, USrankDrDuck, GBrankaragon


TR73 between Empire and Federation
Time Event
4 years ago USrankWibbyrocks leaves faction Federation
4 years ago USrankWibbyrocks joins Federation
4 years ago PLrankMrGawron joins Federation
4 years ago IRrankShno leaves faction Federation
4 years ago IRrankShno joins Federation
4 years ago RUrankKrotikgraf joins Federation
4 years ago Clan GenO moved to faction Federation
4 years ago USrankSerenityTheLefty joins Federation
4 years ago BYrankGorilloX leaves faction Federation
4 years ago EErankCliver5 joins Federation
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