Last battles
71 played, 34 watched, 10 missionsB501063 26 on TitanDuel 2.2
B501036 22 on TitanDuel 2.2
B501011 21 on Fields_Of_Isis
B352213 4 on CenterrockV12
B352210 3 on Intersection_v3
B351220 8 on Cattle and Loveplay NO WORMS 1
B351217 9 on Malibu Beach v1
B351213 7 on Torn Islands Remake
B351208 8 on Torn Islands Remake
B351169 14 on Archers_Valley_v6
Posted threads
1 posts in 0 threadsCould anyone PLEASE help me with an issue that's constantly preventing me from playing this game?
Poll votes
- Would you like to replace Small Supreme Battlefield with Tangerine in the featured map pool? :
- In order to be accurate, the rating system averages the results of many games. Would you like it to put more emphasis on recent games, sacrificing accuracy but allowing for faster rank changes? : I want this poll to go away
- What would your preferred maximum match size be on the team vs. team autohosts? : 5v5-7v7
- Should PlanetWars stop until weekend? : I don't care/play PlanetWars
- We have recently changed factory prices to 1000, how do you feel about this change? : I don't know
First Login: 10 years ago, Last Login: 5 years agoForum karma: +1 / -1
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