Touchdown Tony
Sniper Snider
Strike Sam
Smackdown Smitti
Guardian George
Bruiser Baphomet
Last battles
1321 played, 147 watched, 6 missionsB951092 26 on IncultaV2
B951077 23 on TheBeachBeta
B951058 13 on Mescaline_V2
B949435 2 on Adansonia v4.1
B948630 2 on Iced Coffee v4.3
B924944 26 on Nuclear_Winter_v1
B924924 23 on Eye of Horus v13
B924430 31 on Nuclear_Winter_v1
B924423 27 on Tabula-v6.1
B924043 28 on Valles_Marineris_v2
Poll votes
- We have recently changed factory prices to 1000, how do you feel about this change? : Factories should be cheaper than 1000 metal
- Should PlanetWars start again soon? : Yes
- If Zero-K lobby only starts through steam with steam account : I would not care
- Morphing was removed from the game recently, what is your stance on morphing? : Please bring it back, it worked fine
- What is the worst sound in Zero-K? : Marker placement ping (labels, points)
First Login: 11 years ago, Last Login: 4 years agoForum karma: +4 / -0
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