
Last battles
337 played, 12 watched, 85 missions

Poll votes
- What is your opinion about QuickMatch/Juggler system? : Keep it/improve it
- What do you think about BIG TEAMS hosts? : Keep them as they are
- What do you think about unit micro AI (units on fight keeping distance, jiggling around, AA saving shots etc) : Add more. It saves me from micro-management.
- Player Juggler (the matchmaking system that can move you from game to game) suffers from incomplete SpringLobby support. What to do now? : Improve the system to proper matchmaking "click to find a battle" and after few minutes battle starts. (Breaks SpringLobby support - loses 20% people)
- What operating system are you using? : Both, for Zero-K mostly Windows
First Login: 13 years ago, Last Login: 11 years agoForum karma: +0 / -0
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