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B257267 21 on Fields_Of_Isis (Multiplayer)

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
5/9/2014 11:40:46 AMROrankForever before revert after revert
5/9/2014 11:39:06 AMROrankForever before revert after revert
Before After
1 Ohh, is this the map where i tactical nuked 3 commanders at the same time, and before that a moho:D? 1 Ohh, is this the map where i tactical nuked 3 commanders at the same time, and before that a moho:D?, and after the moho a commander+ Bertha.
2 \n 2 \n
3 So calculations: 3 dead commanders+ 2 commanders dead from shadows. Why didnt i get the headhunter award? 3 So calculations: 3 dead commanders+ 2 commanders dead from shadows, and another com dead from bertha explosion that i tactical nuked. Why didnt i get the headhunter award?
4 \n 4 \n
5 And thx was actually @Brynnlow that made the silo 80% and we both put metal into the missiles 5 And thx was actually @Brynnlow that made the silo 80% and we both put metal into the missiles