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dual monitor

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
11/20/2013 3:15:15 AMCArankPxtl before revert after revert
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1 @Skasi 1 @Skasi
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3 I think the minimal-on-left feature is going away in 0.95 because of politics outside of the Spring engine (something about SDL). 3 I think the minimal-on-left feature is going away in 0.95 because of politics outside of the Spring engine (something about SDL).
4 \n
5 edit: whoops, replied to the 2-year-old post. Anyhow, Spring currently has a feature to force a Minimap onto its own special second-screen rendering, but that feature is, as I mentioned above, facing the guillotine. Stretching windows is the current officially-supported approach.
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7 The engine devs were talking about some crazy long-term plan of using external programs to access your Spring session through LuaSockets and render your minimap view using some kind of bizarro second application. I'm probably misunderstanding the concept and its merits but it sounded like a mind-bendingly awful approach to me.