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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
9/23/2013 4:12:07 AMMYrankAdminHistidine before revert after revert
9/23/2013 4:07:49 AMMYrankAdminHistidine before revert after revert
Before After
1 @ElTorero 1 @ElTorero
2 [quote]I already mentioned when the voting thing came up that downvoting is bad for most communities where there isn't a specific goal when making a post/video/whatever.[/quote] 2 [quote]I already mentioned when the voting thing came up that downvoting is bad for most communities where there isn't a specific goal when making a post/video/whatever.[/quote]
3 I think every post should be a specific goal in itself ( a minor one, and self-defined, but a goal nevertheless) . Otherwise it is just spam. 3 I think every post should be a specific goal in itself ( a minor one, and self-defined, but a goal nevertheless) , even if it's just "make people laugh". Otherwise it is just spam.
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5 [quote]If facebook had downvotes (dislike) it would be an abomination and it would probably hurt people's friendships.[/quote] 5 [quote]If facebook had downvotes (dislike) it would be an abomination and it would probably hurt people's friendships.[/quote]
6 Car brought this up yesterday, so I'll just repost what I said to him: 6 Car brought this up yesterday, so I'll just repost what I said to him:
7 [quote][KingRaptor] yea, but facebook is by nature of its function a carebear zone 7 [quote][KingRaptor] yea, but facebook is by nature of its function a carebear zone
8 [KingRaptor] (contrary to the word choice I don't actually mean that in a derogatory manner) 8 [KingRaptor] (contrary to the word choice I don't actually mean that in a derogatory manner)
9 [KingRaptor] reddit, stack overflow, youtube etc. all have -1 votes[/quote] 9 [KingRaptor] reddit, stack overflow, youtube etc. all have -1 votes[/quote]
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11 @[2up]knorke 11 @[2up]knorke
12 [quote]The vote-system makes people create "why did you downvote me?!" postings, which means more offtopic, it makes forum less fun to read and threads more likely to derail. 12 [quote]The vote-system makes people create "why did you downvote me?!" postings, which means more offtopic, it makes forum less fun to read and threads more likely to derail.
13 Admins also had to deal with "revenge voting" or trolls exploring "abuse" of voting as a new playground, so it creates more work there, too.[/quote] 13 Admins also had to deal with "revenge voting" or trolls exploring "abuse" of voting as a new playground, so it creates more work there, too.[/quote]
14 My snarky reply to all this is "because people are stupid." 14 My snarky reply to all this is "because people are stupid."
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16 More seriously, though, given the low incidence of such problems thus far, and the fact that you could list similar problems of having a forum at all, I think the benefits outweigh the disadvantages thus far. 16 More seriously, though, given the low incidence of such problems thus far, and the fact that you could list similar problems of having a forum at all, I think the benefits outweigh the disadvantages thus far.
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18 [quote]And yes, of course downvotes can be taken as insults: 18 [quote]And yes, of course downvotes can be taken as insults:
19 If upvotes are meant as agreement/praise then downvotes are simply the opposite. 19 If upvotes are meant as agreement/praise then downvotes are simply the opposite.
20 imo +- votes are the most primitive form of communication. 20 imo +- votes are the most primitive form of communication.
21 Imagine someone would responds to postings like this: 21 Imagine someone would responds to postings like this:
22 This is bad. or You are wrong. 22 This is bad. or You are wrong.
23 No reason given, nothing. He would be told to please post more constructive critism. 23 No reason given, nothing. He would be told to please post more constructive critism.
24 Currently the votes are like this...[/quote] 24 Currently the votes are like this...[/quote]
25 Votes are fundamentally different from posts though. If I write a letter to the editor or a blog post condemning politician X for being Hitler, causing cancer etc., I'd be expected to give some very solid reasoning for it. But when the election comes and I go to vote against that politician, nobody is going to ask me why I did it. 25 Votes are fundamentally different from posts though. If I write a letter to the editor or a blog post condemning politician X for being Hitler, causing cancer etc., I'd be expected to give some very solid reasoning for it. But when the election comes and I go to vote against that politician, nobody is going to ask me why I did it.
26 (of course, election votes are anonymous so the analogy breaks down a bit here) 26 (of course, election votes are anonymous so the analogy breaks down a bit here)
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28 While I would find it very amusing if voters in elections had to write 500 words on why [i]their[/i] candidate is the best thing since Jesus invented sliced bread and all the others are big doo-doo heads, I don't think it'd actually make the overall system [i]better[/i]. 28 While I would find it very amusing if voters in elections had to write 500 words on why [i]their[/i] candidate is the best thing since Jesus invented sliced bread and all the others are big doo-doo heads, I don't think it'd actually make the overall system [i]better[/i].