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B185722 22 on Fields_Of_Isis (Multiplayer)

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Post edit history
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7/29/2013 2:55:01 PMROrankForever before revert after revert
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1 Via widget mojjj:).But there is a catch, i spent like 1 day perfecting the newton roach throw, Rafal used newtons before so he did it faster to learn, so dont expect to be efficient from first time using the ramp, sometimes you can system failure iminent like Rafal did:)) in the replay i linked.Anarchid please stop i tried to many times to bring you guys in big elo battles, and all of you were like: i spec...i am drunk, my cat died and i am depressed, i dont want to, i am not in the mood.Dont make me search all the conversations saved in spring folder to show the proof. 1 Via widget mojjj:).But there is a catch, i spent like 1 day perfecting the newton roach throw, Rafal used newtons before so he did it faster to learn, so dont expect to be efficient from first time using the ramp, sometimes you can system failure iminent like Rafal did:)) in the replay i linked.Anarchid please stop i tried to many times to bring you guys in big elo battles, and all of you were like: i spec...i am drunk, my cat died and i am depressed, i dont want to, i am not in the mood.Dont make me search all the conversations saved in spring folder to show the proof.
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5 quote Anarchid: "Classic" is 1 of 3?"
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7 yeah..we lost some battles to, but show the replays i want to see them again:).It took me 20 minutes to search for that replay where we fight against your clan.