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Smurf Report

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12/19/2012 4:07:55 PMDErankbhaktivedanta before revert after revert
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1 rofl. You re kidding me, right? Did you even watch replays? He is naming the tactics like he knows them for sure. Thats nothing to do with "megasmart". Comapare how some sc or ba vets play after a switch - they all take some time to knowm the particularities of the game. 1 rofl. You re kidding me, right? Did you even watch replays? He is naming the tactics like he knows them for sure. Thats nothing to do with "megasmart". Compare how some sc or ba vets play after a switch - they all take some time to knowm the particularities of the game.
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3 I have no problem if we all just agree it's ok to smurf and troll others (allthough I prefer you trolling with your main account so I know what i am up against). If we however make all those rules about how to behave and forbid ban-dodging we should be consequent. 3 I have no problem if we all just agree it's ok to smurf and troll others (allthough I prefer you trolling with your main account so I know what i am up against). If we however make all those rules about how to behave and forbid ban-dodging we should be consequent.
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5 We cannot have a set of rules that puts people who respect them in a worse position than those who simply do not care. 5 We cannot have a set of rules that puts people who respect them in a worse position than those who simply do not care.