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Arch Linux Game Crash

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11/23/2012 3:57:58 PMLTrank[pikts]wolas before revert after revert
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1 This is probably(90%) due some untested(since stable is stable aint it) new lib upgrade which spring uses. Try to look at mantis (spring bug tracker) maybe someone reported this bug already. 1 This is probably(90%) due some untested(since stable is stable aint it) new lib upgrade which spring uses. Try to look at mantis (spring bug tracker) maybe someone reported this bug already.
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3 I see your AI's suck at solving problems :) Anyway if you are using arch you should really be used to solve problems like this downgrade/upgrade till you find something. 3 I see your AI's suck at solving problems :) Anyway if you are using arch you should really be used to solve problems like this downgrade/upgrade till you find something.
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5 EDIT. YOU LAZY BASTARD! it was ati driver upgrade. Y U NO READ infolog? 5 EDIT. YOU LAZY BASTARD! it was ati driver upgrade. Y U NO READ infolog?
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7 [f=0006474] Error: Segmentation fault (SIGSEGV) in spring 91.0 (OMP) 7 [f=0006474] Error: Segmentation fault (SIGSEGV) in spring 91.0 (OMP)
8 [f=0006474] Error: Stacktrace: 8 [f=0006474] Error: Stacktrace:
9 [f=0006474] Error: This stack trace indicates a problem with your graphic card driver. Please try upgrading or downgrading it. Specifically recommended is the latest driver, and one that is as old as your graphic card. Also try lower graphic details and disabling Lua widgets 9 [f=0006474] Error: This stack trace indicates a problem with your graphic card driver. Please try upgrading or downgrading it. Specifically recommended is the latest driver, and one that is as old as your graphic card. Also try lower graphic details and disabling Lua widgets
10 \n
11 Also spring dont like ATI cards, you probably know this already and this is not first "experience"?