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Post edit history

Arch Linux Game Crash

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
11/23/2012 11:52:15 AMLTrank[pikts]wolas before revert after revert
11/23/2012 11:51:54 AMLTrank[pikts]wolas before revert after revert
11/23/2012 11:50:08 AMLTrank[pikts]wolas before revert after revert
Before After
1 Archlinux! You deserve this! 1 Archlinux! You deserve this!
2 \n 2 \n
3 Actually this random things constantly breaking was reason why I abandoned it. 3 Actually this random things constantly breaking was reason why I abandoned it.
4 \n 4 \n
5 I even remember my friend was die hard acrhlinux fan and we uses to have "discussions" archlinux vs debian and kde vs gnome and so on. And guess what he switched after 4 years+ to ubuntu AH AH AH AH. 5 I even remember my friend was die hard acrhlinux fan and we used to have "discussions" archlinux vs debian and kde vs gnome and so on. And guess what he switched after 4 years+ to ubuntu AH AH AH AH.
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