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Date Editor Before After
7/15/2012 4:52:10 PMDErankSinKitty before revert after revert
Before After
1 Is your ~/.spring/LuaUI/Widgets or (for Windows) %spring%\LuaUI\Widgets folder emty or did you add some custom things into these folders? 1 Is your ~/.spring/LuaUI/Widgets or (for Windows) %spring%\LuaUI\Widgets folder emty or did you add some custom things into these folders?
2 * Custom widgets can break the ones Zero-K has in the mod-package and can be disabled with ingame->F11. 2 * Some custom widgets can break the ones Zero-K has in the mod-package and can be disabled with ingame->F11.
3 \n 3 \n
4 Does spring/infolog.txt contain any errors? (You can use an Editor and simply search for "Error" either form the beginning or the end of your file). 4 Does spring/infolog.txt contain any errors? (You can use an Editor and simply search for "Error" either form the beginning or the end of your file).
5 \n 5 \n
6 If you don't understand your infolog, you can use http://pastebin.com to upload the content and post us the link here so we see what your Spring does not like on your widgets. 6 If you don't understand your infolog, you can use http://pastebin.com to upload the content and post us the link here so we see what your Spring does not like on your widgets.