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Epic By Design

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
5/27/2012 11:19:53 PMDErankSinKitty before revert after revert
5/27/2012 11:19:09 PMDErankSinKitty before revert after revert
5/27/2012 11:18:52 PMDErankSinKitty before revert after revert
Before After
1 [color=green]1) easy to replicate in zk.[/color] 1 [color=green]1) easy to replicate in zk.[/color]
2 Get a map where mexes have less output or less dense the more they are in the middle of your map. 2 Get a map where mexes have less output or less dense the more they are in the middle of your map.
3 \n 3 \n
4 [color=green]2) Ground falloff can be used for extended range of plasma weapons, etc.[/color] 4 [color=green]2) Ground falloff can be used for extended range of plasma weapons, etc.[/color]
5 Take TinySkirmish or (more extreme) CookieMonsters for example - it is easier to hold your base than to attack (movement speed penalty uphill) 5 Take TinySkirmish or (more extreme) CookieMonsters for example - it is easier to hold your base than to attack (movement speed penalty uphill)
6 \n 6 \n
7 But to avoid porc, the middle has to be flat and the ground falloff increasing toward your base. 7 But to avoid porc, the middle has to be flat and the ground falloff increasing toward your base.
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9 To place factories without terraform, there also have to be some flat areas with no falloff. 9 To place factories without terraform, there also have to be some flat areas with no falloff.
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11 [color=green]3) Sumo is worse per cost than smaller units and the best example for such a phase.[/color] 11 [color=green]3) Sumo is worse per cost than smaller units and the best example for such a phase.[/color]
12 But both - the wreckage fields and the possibility to re-use sumo - are the reasons, I don't see any possibility to encourage you to build big units/investments without giving the enemies a great disadvantage against you - the disadvantage is even worse if he has 1 or 2 fusions and rez bot spam. 12 But both - the wreckage fields and the possibility to re-use sumo - are the reasons, I don't see any possibility to encourage you to build big units/investments without giving the enemies a great disadvantage against you - the disadvantage is even worse if he has 1 or 2 fusions and rez bot spam.
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14 I think the best way to solve this is to let others fight over the center while catching up where the highmap gives you an advantage. 14 I think the best way to solve this is to let others fight over the center while catching up where the highmap gives you an advantage.
15 ( Requires FFA ) 15 ( Requires FFA )
16 [color=grey]Once a player has the center and can kill another player to cap his base, he has 2 spots - either you ally against him or lose 1 by 1.[/color] 16 [color=grey]Once a player has the center and can kill another player to cap his base, he has 2 spots - either you ally against him or lose 1 by 1.[/color]
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18 The issue that is preventing this is, that you have various ways to sneak into an enemy base and kill an enemy before he can react. 18 The issue that is preventing this is, that you have various ways to sneak into an enemy base and kill an enemy before he can react.
19 Some Examples: Sumo/Com drop, Krow (ignores light def), Skuttle defense clusters, Scythes 19 Some Examples: Sumo/Com drop, Krow (ignores light def), Skuttle defense clusters, Scythes
20 Which is very bad on FFA games with more or less than 4 players, because the team might not notice when the player on the opposite part of the map wins over non-neighbors or there is no-one to ally. 20 Which is very bad on FFA games with more or less than 4 players, because the team might not notice when the player on the opposite part of the map wins over non-neighbors or there is no-one to ally.
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22 [color=grey]Even in team games your allies take some time before helping you if you lose an important spot and try to push at their front - running right into a trap. 22 [color=grey]Even in team games your allies take some time before helping you if you lose an important spot and try to push at their front - running right into a trap.
23 Or they help you, you rebuild and their own front get crushed. 23 Or they help you, you rebuild and their own front get crushed.
24 There is really nothing that allows catchup ^.[/color] 24 There is really nothing that allows catchup ^.[/color]
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26 What do you think about point 3) ? 26 [color=orange]What do you think about point 3) ?[/color]