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what zero-k needs is more tactics

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
6/23/2019 3:29:42 PMMXrankmoleculeman88 before revert after revert
6/23/2019 2:09:12 AMMXrankmoleculeman88 before revert after revert
Before After
1 besides making an a. i. vs a. i. to blind the a. i. home. 1 makes things to hard for u guys to understand
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3 another unit is to create like a same size silo missile structure like an antenna or post very high and it has a weapon a portal like djinn this weapon is like a flashlight u guide it and point the flashlight and whatever it touches gets transported to another place something u can automate and press t or another button and u fix position somewhere in your base or near the post flashlight weapon 30 meters from it or 15 meters distance. and to make it better make a link where u build multiples of this post which can transport enemy units or your units as a matter a fact to different locations. that way u can also transport your units once the light touches them. you can also put 30 meters of each structure. and a red light will blink once they connected. just think u cloak them and and put them behind enemy lines.
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