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Would unit designation prefixes help new players?

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Date Editor Before After
2/19/2019 3:42:02 PMPLrankAdminSprung before revert after revert
2/19/2019 3:41:21 PMPLrankAdminSprung before revert after revert
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1 I don't see people adopting such prefixes, there is a tendency to shorten names so people would just drop the prefix since the longer name already uniquely identifies a unit. 1 I don't see people adopting such prefixes, there is a tendency to shorten names so people would just drop the prefix since the longer name already uniquely identifies a unit.
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3 In some cases there are already pre-existing abbreviations but these are often unhelpful. For example referring to units as "DDM-1 Desolator" or "BD-2 Revenant" would allow a newbie to learn the community abbreviation but not what the unit actually does. These would clash with a role designator abbreviation. 3 In some cases there are already pre-existing abbreviations but these are often unhelpful. For example referring to units as "DDM-1 Desolator" or "BD-2 Revenant" would allow a newbie to learn the community abbreviation but not what the unit actually does. These would clash with a role designator abbreviation.
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5 I agree that official resources would ideally have some way to help learn this but here you could afford something much clearer, for example hover tooltips could give the actual role, like this: [u][tooltip=cloaky riot]Reaver[/tooltip][/u]. 5 I agree that official resources would ideally have some way to help learn this but here you could afford something much clearer, for example hovering your cursor over the name could have a tooltip could give the actual role, like this: [u][tooltip=cloaky riot]Reaver[/tooltip][/u].
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7 [spoiler]Total Annihilation campaign actually used their internal names at a few points in the campaign mission intro texts. Arm mission 4 (where you first got the Zeus waifu who hung around until the last mission) had something like "a Zeus model ARMZEUS has been provided for your protection".[/spoiler] 7 [spoiler]Total Annihilation campaign actually used their internal names at a few points in the campaign mission intro texts. Arm mission 4 (where you first got the Zeus waifu who hung around until the last mission) had something like "a Zeus model ARMZEUS has been provided for your protection".[/spoiler]