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B664780 2 on Otago 1.1 (Multiplayer)

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
12/31/2018 1:31:30 PMGBrankdyth68 before revert after revert
12/31/2018 1:29:48 PMGBrankdyth68 before revert after revert
12/31/2018 1:25:23 PMGBrankdyth68 before revert after revert
12/31/2018 1:23:50 PMGBrankdyth68 before revert after revert
Before After
1 Though your main issue here was not building caretakers next to your factory. 1 Though your main issue here was not building caretakers next to your factory.
2 8 minutes in you were losing 2/3rds of your income to excess, totaling 3000 metal. That put you on the back foot... 2 8 minutes in you were losing 2/3rds of your income to excess, totaling 3000 metal. That put you on the back foot...
3 After that it didn't really matter what his 6k army was made of, you were going to be rolled. ( his focus on shields actually stalled him quite a bit, as your recluses pounding away on them caused them to try and draw 108E/s! Each recluse on the job was costing him the equivalent of a geothermal plant) 3 After that it didn't really matter what his 6k army was made of, you were going to be rolled. ( his focus on shields actually stalled him quite a bit, as your recluses pounding away on them caused them to try and draw 108E/s! Each recluse on the job was costing him the equivalent of a geothermal plant, just make more recluses next time :D)
4 \n 4 \n
5 It really needs to be drilled home to people that [i]excessing is an emergency[/i], unless whatever else you're doing is game winning (e.g. you're microing a widow to hit an anti-nuke, some scythes to destroy all your enemy's energy production or there's a big decisive battle going on) you should immediately try sorting out your excess. 5 It really needs to be drilled home to people that [i]excessing is an emergency[/i], unless whatever else you're doing is game winning (e.g. you're microing a widow to hit an anti-nuke, some scythes to destroy all your enemy's energy production or there's a big decisive battle going on) you should immediately try sorting out your excess.