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B627496 2 on FrozenPlanetV3 (Multiplayer)

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
10/17/2018 9:45:22 AMSErankGodde before revert after revert
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1 Nah, if you allow the Fleas to ambush your Pyro, you will lose the Pyro. 1 Nah, if you allow the Fleas to ambush your Pyro, you will lose the Pyro.
2 In this case, even the jump was on cool down but even if the Pyro jumps, well 11 decently microed fleas will win against a lone Pyro. 2 In this case, even the jump was on cooldown but even if the Pyro jumps, 11 decently microed fleas will win against a lone Pyro.