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Post edit history

halp meh pls

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
3/5/2018 8:46:46 PMCArankTheMooseIsLoose before revert after revert
3/5/2018 8:40:50 PMCArankTheMooseIsLoose before revert after revert
3/5/2018 8:40:34 PMCArankTheMooseIsLoose before revert after revert
Before After
1 Bitdefender, Avast, and many other windows AV will continue to wreck chobby/springlobby/pr-downloader/rapid downloads, even if an exception is made. The only AV I have encountered that doesn't black spring games is Windows Defender. 1 Bitdefender, Avast, and many other windows AV will continue to wreck chobby/springlobby/pr-downloader/rapid downloads, even if an exception is made. The only AV I have encountered that doesn't block spring games is Windows Defender.