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Vehicle antiheavy idea/neon

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Date Editor Before After
8/15/2015 3:29:13 PMDErankKlon before revert after revert
8/15/2015 3:27:15 PMDErankKlon before revert after revert
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1 dont see why lveh need to be able to beat tanks in lategame. the claim was always that its ok that veh just rolls over tanks in early game because thats the way veh are. 1 dont see why lveh need to be able to beat tanks in lategame. the claim was always that its ok that veh just rolls over tanks in early game because thats the way veh are.
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3 i think thats stupid, but if that is the way it is, then tanks should consequently roll over veh if they make it into late game. 3 i think thats stupid, but if that is the way it is, then tanks should consequently roll over veh if they make it into late game. so by definition any vehicle antiheavy needs to be at least as bad as panther at their job. domi probably still is way too useful.
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5 (and yeah ravagers do beat reapers for cost if you pick your fights right) 5 (and yeah ravagers do beat reapers for cost if you pick your fights right)
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7 idea: what about if welder gun had enough dps to beat a scorcher 1v1? this way tanks could actually expand vs vehicle. 7 idea: what about if welder gun had enough dps to beat a scorcher 1v1? this way tanks could actually expand vs vehicle.