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Steam project status?

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Post edit history
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9/23/2014 2:04:07 PMFRrankBlueTemplar before revert after revert
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1 It's funny how people find the lobby "ugly", while it, along with zero-k website integrated into it looks SO much better than the previous spring lobby... 1 It's funny how people find the lobby "ugly", while it, along with zero-k website integrated into it looks SO much better than the previous spring lobby...
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3 To me it looks like it's just a fashion thing : the zero-k lobby looking like a chat room (but it IS a chat room!) with black text on white, which for some reason has become unfashionable (associated with poorly coded software maybe?). 3 To me it looks like it's just a fashion thing : the zero-k lobby looking like a chat room (but it IS a chat room!) with black text on white, which for some reason has become unfashionable (associated with poorly coded software maybe?).
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5 Just inverting the colors ( with additional white outlines for some of the darker icons) would probably do the trick of making people consider it "not ugly". A better way would be to make its design consistent with zero-k website, but that would probably need more effort. 5 Just inverting the colors ( with additional white outlines for some of the darker icons) would probably do the trick of making people consider it "not ugly". A better way would be to make its design fully consistent with zero-k website design, but that would probably need more effort.
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7 Example : The SupCom : Forged Alliance Forever lobby : 7 Example : The SupCom : Forged Alliance Forever lobby :
8 https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/v/t1.0-9/p160x160/1174725_602115053165129_2132603910_n.png?oh=793999040543dab1c4a038e5e0ae0c98&oe=5484ED75&__gda__=1418676837_7a9caeafd8655ed4b1277e417bb21a2d 8 https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/v/t1.0-9/p160x160/1174725_602115053165129_2132603910_n.png?oh=793999040543dab1c4a038e5e0ae0c98&oe=5484ED75&__gda__=1418676837_7a9caeafd8655ed4b1277e417bb21a2d