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Voting details for BErankValiox

Do you think CHranktg is owed a muffin?

67% (2) 67%
No 33% (1) 33%
-----(Total votes: 3)-----

What sized teamgames do you enjoy most?

38% (53) 38%
13% (18) 13%
7% (10) 7%
1% (2) 1%
25% (35) 25%
No preference
9% (12) 9%
I don't know 6% (9) 6%
-----(Total votes: 139)-----

Would you like to replace Small Supreme Battlefield with Tangerine in the featured map pool?

28% (71) 28%
72% (182) 72%
-----(Total votes: 253)-----

In order to be accurate, the rating system averages the results of many games. Would you like it to put more emphasis on recent games, sacrificing accuracy but allowing for faster rank changes?

I want more volatile ratings that represent my recent performance
18% (39) 18%
I want more accurate ratings that represent my overall performance
66% (144) 66%
I want this poll to go away 16% (35) 16%
-----(Total votes: 218)-----

What would your preferred maximum match size be on the team vs. team autohosts?

20% (75) 20%
13% (50) 13%
24% (90) 24%
2% (7) 2%
27% (101) 27%
I don't know 14% (52) 14%
-----(Total votes: 375)-----

Should PlanetWars stop until weekend?

Yes, PlanetWars should only run during weekends
63% (191) 63%
No, keep PlanetWars running
16% (48) 16%
I don't care/play PlanetWars 21% (62) 21%
-----(Total votes: 301)-----

Should PlanetWars start again soon?

72% (275) 72%
3% (11) 3%
Neutral 26% (98) 26%
-----(Total votes: 384)-----

How old are you?

(anonymous poll)
13 or less
3% (22) 3%
18% (149) 18%
31% (254) 31%
21% (177) 21%
20% (161) 20%
4% (36) 4%
50 or more
3% (25) 3%
-----(Total votes: 824)-----

Do you think maximum playernumber in teamgames should be lower?

(anonymous poll)
yes, max 4v4
7% (55) 7%
yes, max 5v5
1% (10) 1%
yes, max 6v6
8% (60) 8%
No limit or higher 84% (671) 84%
-----(Total votes: 796)-----

Do you watch replays?

yes, mostly my own games.
12% (98) 12%
yes, from other players too.
51% (406) 51%
no, not interessted.
12% (96) 12%
no, do not know how or which ones are worth watching.
12% (96) 12%
no, spectating is better. 13% (103) 13%
-----(Total votes: 799)-----

What do you like most about Zero-K?

Watching giant robots, lasers that light the sky and explosions that tear the land apart
15% (131) 15%
Micromanaging my units, using cunning tactics to defeat superior forces 6% (56) 6%
Picking the correct overal strategy, managing resources and gaining economic advantage 8% (74) 8%
Friendly chat with the community
, forums, replays
1% (8) 1%
Leveling my commander boi
, improving my avatar and getting it into combat
3% (25) 3%
Teamplay, coordinating crushing attacks
, helping friends and allies, making the team win
30% (262) 30%
Playing different game every game - variety of units, maps, strategies
14% (122) 14%
Playing the only RTS game where 20 versus 20 people games are known to exist
5% (45) 5%
This poll hurts too much, I cannot pick one.. 18% (159) 18%
-----(Total votes: 882)-----

What is your preferred team game size?

Small 2v2 to 4v4
34% (319) 34%
Medium 5v5 to 7v7
40% (367) 40%
Large 8v8 and larger 26% (239) 26%
-----(Total votes: 925)-----

What operating system are you using?

Windows 77% (804) 77%
Linux 11% (111) 11%
Both, for Zero-K mostly Windows 10% (107) 10%
Both, for Zero-K mostly Linux 2% (23) 2%
-----(Total votes: 1045)-----

How did you learn about Zero-K?

From a friend 26% (236) 26%
From Spring 47% (431) 47%
From social network 6% (53) 6%
From magazine/blog article 4% (34) 4%
Text advertising on google 0% (4) 0%
Search engine 15% (135) 15%
Wikipedia 2% (15) 2%
I made the Zero-K! 2% (17) 2%
-----(Total votes: 925)-----

What prevents you from playing more Zero-K?

Nothing, day only has 24 hours 50% (463) 50%
Language, I don't speak good English 8% (71) 8%
Game type, not enough PlanetWars/1v1/FFA 6% (54) 6%
Trolls, aggressive players complaining 6% (56) 6%
Single player, not enough missions 5% (49) 5%
Balance, I think the game is poorly balanced, some units are overused 3% (31) 3%
Speed, game runs slow/laggy on my PC 15% (143) 15%
Complexity, I don't understand game/controls enough to play multiplayer 7% (68) 7%
-----(Total votes: 935)-----