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ZeroK Single Player

12 posts, 1158 views
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10 years ago
It'd be great to play ZeroK single player on a custom map in the spring lobby, add some AI play. However every time I start the map loads then nothing. No players get added. Other games work fine like Tech Annihilation or NOTA.

Yes I know I can create my "own" missions and upload them to the ZeroK lobby to play which takes about 30 minutes too long when I just want to load a game and play it.

Yes I know there are many single player games like Chickens that I've played many times and am quite bored of.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
If you "open a new battle" in Zero-K lobby you should be able to add an AI and play. I believe AIs are automatically removed from games in "official" 1v1, teams, etc. lobbies.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
@Leggir how are you trying to do this? By 'spring lobby' do you mean the lobby program called Spring Lobby? Tell us more about what you are doing. How do you start a map? Which lobby do you use? Do you add any AIs?

MYrankxponen said he is working on a skirmish vs. AI tab for ZKL. For now AUrankAdminAquanim's method is the best you can do for a custom skirmish vs. AI.
+0 / -0
In the Zero-K lobby there's a button on the right after the battle chat opens : "Add AI".
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Yes I mean the lobby program called Spring Lobby.
1. click on SinglePlayer Tab.
2. Choose ZeroK from the game drop down menu.
3. Choose map from the map menu.
4. Click on add bot, and choose CAI.
5. Choose Start.
When the map loads it says game begins in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and then the map is blank, there's no AI and I'm not inserted.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Thanks for helping get it going via the multiplayer tab in ZeroK. However not all the maps are listed that I would like to play as I have in the maps folder.

Also because I'm on a metered internet connection (cell phone hot spot) playing for a bit really eats up my data, which is another reason I'd like to be able to load it through SpringLobby Single Player.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Untick official on map search
+0 / -0
10 years ago
How did you get the ZK game files then Leggir? Maby your download got corrupted by crappy hotspot internet?
+0 / -0

10 years ago

1) What engine version are you running?
2) What ZK version are you trying to run?

What you are describing seems like a spawn gadget crash, which is likely to occur if you're running an unsupported engine or game version.

Can you pastebin the file ~/.spring/infolog.txt after experiencing this failure mode?
+0 / -0
10 years ago
ZeroK 0.9.6 version.
SpringLobby 0.180
Game launches, you click on the commander you want. Then it just sits there with no countdown. Leaving the game for 30 minutes did nothing. Game doesn't crash, it just lets you look around the map. Your resources stay at 0.
No infolog.txt generated.
+0 / -0
ZeroK 0.9.6 version.

The version number you provided doesn't seem correct. It's either an excessively old version (3 years at least) or you're mixing up engine and game versions.

Current stable version of Zero-K is .
Currently ZK uses Spring engine version 91.0, but it should also work on the bleeding edge (currently at 97.0.1-450-g502a946) and 96.0 engine should work as well, though is not actively supported.

The infolog file should be generated always unless there's a severe crash before game even loads - which is not your case. It might, however, not be where you are looking for. If you're using engine version 96.0, try looking in ~/.config/spring/infolog.txt.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
That sounds like a luarules crash. It could be due to the very old version of ZK you are trying to run. That may also be the engine version 96.0 which also may not work.
+0 / -0