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10 years ago
After playing several games and talking to other new people last night I realized a lot of new users are not aware of the multithreading option in settings, and the dramatic difference it makes with Zero-k's performance. Is there a reason that this is not enabled by default?
+0 / -0

10 years ago
It's broken and it will make you desync.

Newer engine versions (97 and so on) multithread by default.
+3 / -0
Thanks for clearing that up.

Is the spring version contingent on the Zero-k release version im running? Or can I run the later engine with the current zero-k release?

Disreguard, I discovered the answer.
+0 / -0
You can run current ZK on 97+, yes. Easiest way to do so is join one of those "bleeding edge" rooms.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
supposedly it causes desyncs(as if the regular version doesn't already)
+0 / -0