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Phenix are OP nerf! nerf!

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i sincerely belive that the owled phenix is super OP and must be nerfed more!!

i tested this and it took less then 3 phenix to kill a single rokko and only 4 to kill a whole line of 8 of them!!

and did i mentione they set things on fire? for over 2 seconds!!!

oh and did i mention they fly? and theyre fast!! and neigh unkillable!!!

it took many defenders to kill one before it dropped any bombs!!!

and it takes over 200m in mobile aa to kill it!!!

its so OP now that no one uses them simply because to use them would be like cheating and stuff!!!

and it sets labs on fire!!! it stops unit production for like a second or 2, wich is crippling to the player!! i mean look at firewalkers or napalm missiles:they stop production ofr like 10-15 seconds, wich is harmless. but OPenix do it for OVER 2 SECONDS!!!! SO OP

so to summ up my point, OPenix must be nerfed NAO!!!
+13 / -0
i tested this and it took less then 3 phenix to kill a single rokko

There's your problem. Try using them vs something that isn't an assault. You know, stuff like glaives, scorchers, recluses, etc.

That said phoenix indeed don't seem very amazing. They're not really generalist and tough like ravens, so they pale in comparison.
+2 / -0
well it still only takes 3 of them to kill a rougue, and if they hit "just right" they can even kill 2 or EVEN 3!!!

well normaly the kill 1-3 glaives in a single attack... but there was this one time I saw them kill 5 fleas in one go!!! and they even damaged a 6th to 50% hp!
it was traumatic... but at least a tarantula managed to kill it before it left
+0 / -0

10 years ago
I like Phoenix so any buff would please me, but what I wanted to say is:

Your post is hilarious, well done!

"but there was this one time I saw them kill 5 fleas in one go!!! and they even damaged a 6th to 50% hp!" lol
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Phoenix suck curently, end of story. Stilleto a bit, more disarm time i suggest.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Phoenix being suck is bad for phoenix, but good for the fun of ZK. People are actually using skirmishers! It's glorious!
+1 / -0
10 years ago
People are actually using skirmishers! It's glorious!

Espesialy spiders vs spiders.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Phoenix being suck is bad for phoenix, but good for the fun of ZK. People are actually using skirmishers! It's glorious!

dont see where the problem is when there is a decent counter to skirmishers, which itself is easy to counter by aa and also requires people to actually go air. if you make the enemy go air simply by making a few rockos then why are you not happy about having him spend a thousand metal just to counter your measily rockos?
+0 / -0
And the Phoenix is ​​not the only one. The hammer Reconm Com must be nerfed. He is still too fast and has too much Hp Just Skuttles, make too much damage, Puppies, are much too strong, The Sumo is still too strong with his moderator removed heterosexist language Slow Beam and Goliath erst Once he has equipped with a weak flame thrower now this monster slow-Beam. My goodness but also. I think anyway that the whole units of Zero-K should be nerfed.

edited by Pxtl
+0 / -3
10 years ago
epic thread
+0 / -0
10 years ago
if you make the enemy go air simply by making a few rockos then why are you not happy about having him spend a thousand metal just to counter your measily rocko?

FIFY (you were using a plural)

but because they are so OP, evry time they come to kill your shits they kill many rokko you are guarenteed to loose at least 1, but no more then two!!

and the only way to stop this horible atrosity is to build over 200m in aa units
+0 / -0

10 years ago
we should attack this issue at the source and make the airlab cost 10000m
+1 / -0
10 years ago
In Age of Mythology (a great example of a balanced game), phoenixes could revive from their ashes when killed. Imagine this in Zero-K, even more OP!
+0 / -0
10 years ago
In Age of Mythology (a great example of a balanced game), phoenixes could revive from their ashes when killed. Imagine this in Zero-K, even more OP!

!setoptions zombies=1
+2 / -0

10 years ago
There should be ATC (Air Traffic Controllers)... so your phoenix HAVE to request authorization before flying over enemy territory. There is no reason flying units should be allowed to move around without restriction.
+1 / -0

10 years ago
+1 / -0

10 years ago
and it sets labs on fire!!! it stops unit production for like a second or 2, wich is crippling to the player!! i mean look at firewalkers or napalm missiles:they stop production ofr like 10-15 seconds, wich is harmless. but OPenix do it for OVER 2 SECONDS!!!! SO OP

Actually it does not stop production at all.

A problem with Phoenix is that they do not stack. Their fire damage does not stack with itself so adding extra Phoenix is not all that useful. So you have a bit of a problem if one Phoenix does not deal enough damage to do what you want. Adding more will not help you much.
+2 / -0
10 years ago
^.^ omg even more OP!!!

we should remove its damage entirely to be safe...
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Only thing that Phoenix needs is that is has to have an alternate attack, having it do half of an U shaped bombing and probably missing 90% of intended target, it should attack just like that lighting disarmer plane, strait line, nothing more nothing less!
+1 / -0

10 years ago
we should remove its damage entirely to be safe...

Not enough... suggest units on fire become temporarily invulnerable.
+1 / -0
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