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Requirement to win vs ai before multiplay

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12 years ago
Should be implemented. There are so many complete newbs with >30 hours who STILL don't know wtf they are doing. You should be required to win vs the AI before being allowed to join multiplayer game so they learn that they have to build to win.
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12 years ago
A maybe also a level lock for PW?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
This is a great idea, we should at least have a recommendation to play this before multiplayer, some big obvious popup. But we need more singleplayer content, tutorials, etc. A lot of players learn through observing others play, so we should at least allow spectating. Perhaps we could allow them to play ZK chickens too. We should also waive this requirement for players with enough ingame time.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
What about non ZKL users?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Maybe have Springie PM them links to manuals or better yet let Springie send them a command they can reply with to spawn a room with a tutorial game loaded.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
There id no way too see what yhose people do
+0 / -0
12 years ago
There got to be SOME way to get them to go vs ai first and for zk to be able to track it and make sure they have. ZK stats are saved seperate from other mods stats right? Can't it be tracked that way?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Licho: Springie knows when a player joins a battle hosted by it. Springie also knows whether a player played ZK on Springie before. If the player didn't, then the PM can be sent.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
It cannot know if they played SP or not!
Sending PM is the most useless thing to do..
It wont force anyone to actually play SP
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Imho, the best solution would be to make a short series of single-player missions. These missions can include some sneak-previews of high-level units and comms - for example, the first unit is a chicken-defense where there are neutral, claimable comms hidden in the battlefield. Each mission includes a wiki-page describing the exact loadouts of the comms hidden in the mission.

Do similar things with high-level factories and other unlockables. Make each player's completion of this single-player campaign an always-visible attribute about the player, and allow servers to define what completion of the campaign is required.

Make it short - ~6 missions or so, like 4 hours of gameplay. Basically an extended tutorial.

So servers can say "I want players who've at least completed the introduction", vs. "I want players who've completed the basic campaign".

The big thing, the big failure of the existing Chicken Defense missions: make it tied into the player's unlocks. Make them use their comm. Give them a full level for each completion.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Its not a 'strict requirement to have beaten the AI', its telling ZKL players who are new that they should play the AI before playing online. If you're using another lobby, then you arent experiencing ZK in the correct way anyway.

Better to just direct people towards it.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I agree with the PW minimum requirement (level, hours, XP, battles played) idea.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I agree. They usually sux in team. Doing nothing or just eat metal. I would also increase points for unlocks.
Maybe 10times win against CAI with standart metal/energy income.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Like licho said before thats impossible to do
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Make minimum lvl for PW, like minimum lvl 10 to play Pw that way at least they have unlocks and some experience.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Hm... Then it looks like we must spec newbies :P
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12 years ago
No, i disagree. I played some people who just came out of playing with ai in BA, and they were too stupid to make antinuke. AI is just to different from player. It can't adapt, and it only has 1 tactic. AI also can't teach the player very much. Players can monitor noobs and give them good advice it would take them month to learn from playing against AI. The noobs playing AI are lickly to learn at about a fourth of the speed people playing against Human would play.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
AI is best countered by economy push, raid their mexes... which is kind of only way for me. or we reclaim/resurrect in front of HLT... build many HLT...
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Knowing to build antinuke is not actually that essentialy a strategy. 95% of games wont involve it.

If AI is best countered by eco push and raiding thier mexes... wow, that is great because its working exactly as intended- thats how you are meant to play the game!
+0 / -0

12 years ago
If you can beat CAI with low level things then you'll be reasonably useful on a team as beating it takes expanding and aggression. For example you can often beat it with an all in 600 metal rush and if you do this in a teamgame the result is likely to be somewhat useful.

But it can also be beaten by high level things, you can sit in 1/4 of the map and make a Det and it won't be able to handle it which is a bit of a flaw.
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