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13 years ago
I was thinking, we all are robots, and i know it may take alot of time, but why not adding the faction variable to the ecuation.

Like make similar factories of the robots, but humans (and maybe later on aliens, or something)

Lets say the jump bot factory of the humans, have puppy but it can jump and its not suicidal, pyros that fire in all directions but are slower (riots), the jack, its cheaper faster but has alot less hp (raider), the firewalker that is faster alot cheaper, but has less aoe (maybe fires plasma artilery) and les hp. the sumo uses a Heavy beam laser (assault skrim) and the skuttle, but is visible and it explodes in a big AOE of fire.

Something like that same factories but with a twist. So you select your factions in the battleroom, and also you can use the factories in the battle i think this can make the game so fun and also dinamic.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
didnt need to change (to much or some times at all) the models and add alot of fun.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
If model does not change byut works differently -> mass user confusion
+0 / -0
13 years ago
The change the models, i know you cant right now but this can add alot of variety to the battles.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
We already have hundreds of units; I haven't even used all of them yet. I'm not so sure that we need that much more variety. A few more neat unlockable units maybe, but not doubling the total amount.

Same models doing completely different things is not going to happen due to confusion (although color changes might work... but still not ideal). Making units from scratch requires lots of time, effort and skill. Its been what, a few years now? that ZK has finally replaced all TA models. But those replacements come from many many contributors, and some are still 3do from old TA mods. If devs spent all their effort making models it would take years, and no more polishing and other improvements would be made.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
How about chickens as a new faction? Its already made.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Thats in todo, but it will play very differently.. like sim ant or something
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Yesh, like simant - black and red chickens and you get to pick a yellow hero chicken. Watch for the spider! Hunt those caterpillars. Terraforming is replaced by carrying around rocks. PW will be replaced - you will have to conquer a house. Uh wait, what?
+0 / -0
13 years ago
HW,House Wars XD
+0 / -0

13 years ago
One of the small motivating factors toward merging arm and core was that chickens could potentially become a new, completely uniquely playable faction without feeling like a third leg. You would have two nearly mirror factions, and then an extra crazy one out of nowhere. The Alien race in E&E suffered a bit from this awkward feeling imho.

Now instead, your factions choices could be between something like Mechanicals and Biologicals, each with their completely unique feel.

However, it will probably be a very long time before a chicken faction is as fleshed out a faction as robots. (If it ever happens.)
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Ahhh sound really nive chicken faction is a must i hope someday we can play with the Aliens (chickens sound horrible)
+0 / -0

13 years ago
As we've got a lot of factories slight changes to all of them isn't going to happen.

Extra different units would be a lot of balancing work and if the used the same model it would be confusing. The different factories are already sort of different takes on covering most of the roles. Twists on each other. As in Pyro that shoots in all directions is Outlaw and fast Jack is sort of like Scythe.

Anyone can design and implement a chicken faction. A poor implementation would probably be tested a bit then not used, at least not used by default. A few implementations have been tried but didn't work. Chickens would need a lot of work to compete with all the things robots can do.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
The chicken faction should play completely differently. That I agree with.

Perhaps one that has automated builders (when idle, go build stuff nearby, which build more builders, etc.), which leads to them spreading all over the map but leaves them with a large, impossible to defend area.

To match the "hive" theme, it could be made to run unit-scripts which the player could influence instead of having individual unit control.
eg. controlling hive production in worker/warrior balance, attack areas to swarm chickens mindlessly into enemy lines, build points to extend hive area towards, threat areas to avoid entering, etc.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Builders? No such thing .. swarm, pheromones, slugs, slowly growing cabbage...
+0 / -0

13 years ago
There are just way too many units needed to make Chickens into another faction.

Imho, the best approach to adding factions to ZK would be the approach taken in Advanced Wars - every faction has the same units, but the commander gives you global buffs, nerfs, and some special global powers.

Imagine being able to buy a comm upgrade that is "+10% firepower to all artillery units, -10% firepower to all defenses" or "+10% armor to all air units, -10% armor to all anti-air units" or "give all land-based raider units the power to morph into LLTs".

Or the advanced-wars-esque supers "once your super-bar is built up, click this button for 5 seconds of invulnerability for every unit nearby your commander", or global-supers "consume your super-bar to make of your metal extractors start spawning fleas around them according to their extraction-rate".

However, I don't think ZK really needs any more complexity or factions or anything. It's good as is.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Yeah the faction would mainly be to study ant behavior and artificial intelligence
+0 / -0
13 years ago
For the newcommer here... befor the mod was renamed to Zero-K it had two fractions..., so why create a new one? the old models are still there, right?

And.. i dont think so that we need a other fraction unitl Zero-K is the beta stadium
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Most of the old models are either OTA material which ZK is definitly not going back to, or are in use already as part of the current factories. Least far as I know.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
DErankKarotte - 1fac merged the two factions into a single faction, eliminating many of the uglier models and repurposing other units. For example, the Shieldbots and Cloakybots used to just be the "bots" lab of the two different factions. The Penetrator used to be the heavy unit on the Logos tank lab (iirc, it's the only unit from that lab that has been totally removed). The Gunship labs used to have a pathetically short build-list for each faction but then they were combined into a single lab with a properly complete variety of units (that's why half the gunships look like they were made by Apple and the other half look like they were made by Alienware).

MidKnight and Maackey have grown tremendously in their modeling skills and have become quite talented, but many of their earlier models were... well, just plain ugly (though still better than anything I could do).
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Pxtl weren't you around? That or your memory doesn't serve you well.

Penetrator belonged to the tank factory of the faction called Nova. Panther and Merl were from that tank factory too and are in ZK in exactly the same way. Mumbles lives on with exactly the same stats as Mace, Mumbles didn't have it's own good model. Even Gremlin is around, it was just split into 2 units; Hover raider (gauss) and Sythe (cloak). IIRC the only unit from that factory that is not anywhere is Bulldog and that's because it's role is identical to Reaper's.
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