Please can someone explain to me why, some tanks have the projectile velocity as if they threw them, and not shoot them normally? So some tanks are mechanic (modern tanks) with engine and some are normal steam (where 3 black men threw/place and then push) ????
+0 / -1
Five months ago I made a really crazy thread about this. The "balance" ideas suggested there were just ludicrous. I specially became Neon just for that thread.
+0 / -0
It's because of efficiency. If tanks had to propell the projectile any faster they would need additional power -> energy cost to fire. Also it's plasma, you can not "shoot" plasma, or you will kill yourself!!
+0 / -0
But what that plasma is loaded and fired by old metodes that are slower then used in WWI ? Even spear throw at Olimpic are faster and can kill glavie.
+0 / -0
Why i want to tell, slower reaload on tanks but normal speed of shell will be great. They are slow like firts tank prototipes (10km/h if i remember right) So yea, fire x2 time is better then once but fast and normal :)
+1 / -0
Spring 1944 have faster bullet and probably is much more realistic and gameplay seem good (example: ). However ZK is already a stable game with slow bullet for long long time, I think if you just suddenly change them it would make it look silly & broke the gameplay instead.
+0 / -0
Because the physically modeled projectiles form a large part of the game balance, and the capacity of faster units to dodge those projectiles, and the strength of those projectiles vs statics which cannot dodge, is what establishes the basis of much of the counter mechanics and micro of the game.
+7 / -0
You don't really seem to have an estimation of the size of units ingame.  Consider how huge everything is, compared to the trees. Your "slow" projectiles are still hurtling along at quite a few miles/kilometers per hour. Other than that, balance/mechanics > realism here. Period.
+6 / -0
seeing you picture, i imagine zeus could also carry a chainsaw. a giant one. to cut trees. the micro ones. obviously.
+2 / -0
I heard that in ZK scale, 1 Spring elmo = 1 SI meter. Glaive is 20 elmos tall.
+1 / -0
I heard ZK units were small toy robots, a few centimetre in size. Maybe 1 elmo = 1 millimetre?
+1 / -0
Unsure if you can 3d-print with that resolution? Also, read the unit descriptions where it says how "unit X has range of 300 meters", there are no ranges in mm.
+2 / -0
quote: Also, read the unit descriptions where it says how "unit X has range of 300 meters", there are no ranges in mm. |
Doesn't exist.
+0 / -0
I think the ingame context menu widget used to display ranges in meters at some time prior. Unsure about now. I specifically seem to remember stuff like Penetrator having range of "1000m". xponen's widgets still call "elmo" a meter in their comments, and i think Licho directly mentioned this scale on numerous occasions (to much lol, since that's when i pointed out the five-storey-tall glaive the first time).
+0 / -0
I think on the picture of @MauranKilom is the ravager the only unit with normal size. Compaired to the RL. :D OK it's hard to say how big a Zeus would be but if you look films like for example Terminator there are battlerobots as big as human or a bit bigger. I would say Glaive = Terminator. :)
+0 / -0
quote: xponen's widgets still call "elmo" a meter in their comments |
This means literally nothing.
+0 / -0
quote: I would say Glaive = Terminator. :) |
I'd say glaive = 1 human hair breadth. Seriously though, think glaive = AT-AT. Yes, the AT-AT is "only" 20 meters high.  Zeus then gets into mechagodzilla range.
+1 / -0
The "m" in the module descriptions is simply because I wanted to put a distance unit there and I didn't want to use feet, which would probably be more size-accurate, for a reason I can no longer remember (but not using primitive inferior imperial units is a good enough reason for me). Back when the Zenith was still a test unit, I gave it a grid power requirement of 150, and wrote "150 kW" in the description.    GoogleFrog voiced the view that if we were going to have units of power at all, it should be "exploding suns."
+4 / -0