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Raise in influence

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13 years ago
Hey Licho, whats with the sudden rise to 500 influence? Wanting to make the planets harder to take or something?
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Yes its to make planet conquering harder and give each clan chance to have fortified homeworld.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
cool cool. Should make PW interesting with more of the chance of repeated battles at planets, and probably a spreading out of the use of ships. At least at the beginning.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
It's a big change. I wonder how it will work out. :)

My predictions:
* The round will last a lot longer
* Everyone will be drowning in credits
* The round will see a lot more planets being bought
* It's gonna end in another tech victory

Can't wait to get a new PC so I can zero-K and join PW, really looking forward to it..
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Assumption 3 probably won't happen, due to higher amounts of required funds(as Omg said, it now takes 20k to buy a planet), and since you now cannot buy from locals.

As for tech, hopefully people have learned their lessons and will try to contol and heavily defend artifact worlds.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
But wont there be more battles with less changes in planet ownership? In that case mines are really powerful, and the universe should generate a ton of cash every turn. What to do with all that cash?

Eco victory is only really feasible if everyone else is sleeping or inactive.. So buying planets seems the way to go?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Well buying after fighting yes, but completly buying off a cluster of planets probably won't happen due to costs.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
As for Eco victory, it can be done, it just takes a good chunk of the planets under your control(probably close to 50% or more), and lots of upgraded mines. Its slower than Conquest or Tech, but it can happen.

The other thing is I don't think it will be that easy to Tech victory agian. The main reason that that happened in 3 and 4(buying out the last artifact planet) cannot happen, and if people are smart, they will keep the artifact planets they control under lock and key, with several planets defending them. Sides, as it is now, there is no longer the ability to "One Drop and Win" with the 500 inf thing.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
But if there are at least 3-4 equally active clans, there's no way one of them can hold that many planets.. And how expensive are jumpgates anyway? :)
+0 / -0
12 years ago
7,000 for 2 ships, and you may need 2-5 to have enough ships to make the attack depeding on defences.

Also, if there are 3-4 active clans, there shouldn't be a way for a clan to easily control all three planets :P
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Great! 7k should be more than manageable later in the game. No way this round is gonna be over by turn 100. So I still think it'll be a tech victory.. ;)

Awesome gaming going on by the way. Averaging two battles an hour over the first day.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
thats 14k agianst minimal defences, 21k agianst level 2, and 35k agianst level 3
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I suggest a option to manipulate the influence of other clans at your homeworld.

1. Buy "Homeworld structure" ( only once per player / clan / clan leader ? ) => Option added
2. Spend Credits to lower other clans influences
3. destroy structure if captured ( don't spawn within battles, reclaimabe through the Website )

* ( IPs + 10 ) * 20 Credits ?
* * -1 IP cost 220 Credits
* * -16 IPs cost 520 Credits
* * -100 IPs cost 2200 Credits
+0 / -0

12 years ago
PErhaps its simpler to make the homeworld with more influence - like 1000 or even 2000 then it wont be possible to conquer it
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Then you had better make sure that those homeworlds dont have any artifacts on them. Or are blocking access to an artifact world. By the way, I noticed the [G] homeworld has 2 players with 501 influence on it. If you were to do 8v8 war for the first planet with 8 clanmates, would you get 4k points on your homeworld if you win? That would be crazy.. :)
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Yea that would, but getting 8 clan mates on, 8 opponents and getting the game to balance is crazy on its own. :P
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Better we reduce the maximum IPs a clan can get in a single battle.

Anything above this limit counts only 1:5
Disadvantage get distributed to all members by euqal percentages


If anyone lose the battle he gets 5% IPs for each other clan member.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Well I'm drowning in cash, with only ever having had 1 planet, so that one worked out. I dont think it will be tech victory anymore, because it seems there is only 1 clan that can consistently field 2-4 players in battles.

Therefore, my assumption of 3-4 equally active clans doesnt hold and I have to adjust my prediction. [V] will win, in any way they like since they are the only active clan.

Maybe the rest of the active players can form a 2nd active clan for the next round? That would definately help making gameplay more interesting.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
This means we need smaller clans for next round
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I wouldn't make it much smaller Licho. I mean, most of the Vahalla run has been done by 2-3 people, and the same can be said for 1uP. I would advise creating a real offseason(maybe a day or two) for leaving/regrouping, and turning back on clan leave prevention during the season.
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