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Funnelweb drones land on airpads

8 posts, 951 views
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Seems kinda dumb.
It should be possible to set it so that they don't return to repair at airpads, right?
Edit:Maybe it's just the Viper.
+3 / -0
also: they sometimes stay there forever until self-d, blocking reload functionality.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
They can be reclaimed, and you get lots of metal income from them:D
+1 / -0
11 years ago
Do I smell a funnelweb drone reclaim widget?
+4 / -0

11 years ago
Just give them 1 metalcost like claws.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Also, if you want to vindicator transport that funnyweb and want to unload it( cause you dont want to drop it -takes 20-30% hp) it wont work because of the DRONES. Drones that make vindicator move from one place o other over and over again.

Can we fix this bug to? I dont want to drop cargo over and over again when i transport funnyweb.
+0 / -0
ROrankForever, I think in Latest Spring (version 95 onward) it is fixed. The drone no longer resist push.

In Spring 91, if you throw unit at the drones: instead of it push the drone, the drone will deflect the unit into space.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Funny stuff ;)

I would make a raid/retreat (on/off) button for drones if they cost metal.
+0 / -0