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Com Weapons/Modules

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I think that we should make some of the less popular com weapons more viable so we seen a greater range of interesting coms. We all to often see shotgun coms or beam laser coms. Maybe a few d-gun coms here and there. Effort has gone into making interesting weapons such as particle beam, plasma artillary, shock rifle, slow beam, disrupter beam, missile launcher and many of the other special weapons besides disintegrator cannon. I'm not saying that we should make coms a staple of most games, but I think we should buff some of the unusual weapons so we see them more in games. What is the point of them if they are severly underpowered and never used?

I don't really have any specific ideas for what and how much to increase; post your ideas below.

Also, my thinking was not for these to be rushes, but to be stronger and more interesting late game units.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I think the problem here is that early on lasers and shotgun are the most cost-efficient, and later there are simply better options for heavy units than comm morphs. As long as the role of commanders lategame is kept down (which I agree with,) these weapons will never be the best except for on early rush-commanders.
+4 / -0

11 years ago
com is simply too skuttlemagnetic to be effective. and no, dont buff its HP.
+3 / -0
11 years ago
i didnt say buff its hp just make the com weapons nice. dodging skuttles is the persons mess to deal with make.
+0 / -0
damage is variable, range is variable (boosters)
weapons should differ more in alpha, aoe, projectile speed, etc to not become redundant.

The riot gun doesn't help you against raiders surrounding you.
A sunburst commander with enough buffs to penetrate shields cost 5k m (skuttle will hunt you!)
Sniper coms shot both weapons at once (and do sometimes a lot of overkill).

But I think the main reason why nobody uses some things is, that the dual-weapon boosters (auto-flechette, etc) are too different.
It is too complex to compare weapon setups, especially duals with a lot of specific buffs vs 2 different weapons which are more versatile (dguns vs dual-setups)
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Shock rifle I use and see quite often. Also slow/disruptor. Plasma arty is fun and can even be useful sometimes.

Missile launcher is useless sadly and should be turned into a Com AA gun IMO. Heavy machine gun seems rare for non-nubs and could maybe needs buff? Assault cannon is v rare tho I think it can be useful.

I'd like to see a newton gun for commanders, perhaps with low range, but boostable strength.
+2 / -0
I tried making use of HMGs for a very long time... I look at the specs and they sound awesome, with high DPS and a good blast-radius... but every time I brought it to bear it was disappointing. The only time it succeeded for me was a lolcomm facing down a tight Zeus pack from above in FFA: basically the ideal conditions for the darn thing.

Saving the metal and going beamlaser seems better in most circumstances. Or just using a riot cannon. Plus the riot cannon has accuracy and speed that lets it capitalize on range-buffs.

I've seen some comms make great use of the missile launcher, it's just that the missile launcher completely changes the role of the Comm into a huge Slasher instead of its typical riot/assault configuration. Missile comms do great in LLT/MT-building duels.
+0 / -0
HMG is one of the better things, it can directly compete with shotgun if you're looking to outfit your jumpy.

It does really have badass dps, rof, and some efficient enough aoe. Shotgun might still be better, but hmg isn't useless.

Last time i used a hmg jumpy, it saved me 30 elo by killing entire opposition singlehandedly after my base was destroyed and all other units killed :P
+0 / -0

11 years ago
I'll have to try it on a jumpy then, I was using it on battle-comm.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I like the idea to make com weapons a bit more effective as long as it doesn't change too much. Maybe costs of some modules should be dropped. But making com morphs too effective would also be an inappropriate disadvantage for people with low xp (as long as xp-system is kept).

Can hmg shoot while jumping? If so, it would be worth trying. If not, shotgun seems a bit better.

Btw why do so many people put autorepair on morph 1 (ok, heaviest module for morph 1, so no slot cost, but still not worth its prize, isn't it?) or lazarus on morph 2? Does this really make sense?

And what does Disintegrator Gun's dmg 1400x mean? It must be a lot I guess.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
mobile newton com sounds amazing

- you could stack speed modules and have it run into the enemy base while pulling a goliath lol
- you could rush the enemy com at lvl 1 and pull him into your levellers
- you could walk around with roaches and launch them at the enemy whenever possible
- you would be able to repel skuttles
- you could potentially pull down bombers or black dawn
- it would be pretty hard to get swarmed by light units like glaives
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Lol when you say it like that it sounds WAAAY OP. But it would be fun, and limited range and power would make some of these difficult.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
you could have it weaker then a normal newton at start, and have it need to stack modules to get that level of awesome. Balance!
+0 / -0
11 years ago
+1 for the newton weapond, but give it the 2-3X time the impulse of a normal newton.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Maybe you can use it as a com-speed booster too.

Forces always affect both masses.
+0 / -0