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Why do I suck?

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11 years ago
I hit a plateau after about 20 games, you all have played with me, why do I suck so much?
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I don't know why you are so bad, but to get better you should play 1v1.
+1 / -0

11 years ago
also: watch your replays and analyze situations and why one side wins. or link replays here and let somebody analyze for you ;)
+0 / -0
11 years ago
as sponge said, play 1v1 against better players, get pwnt 200 times and then start wondering why are you losing, comment the game with your opponent and bang! you are in top 10
+2 / -0
11 years ago
Somethings I have learnt and wish I knew when I started
Ctrl Left click makes all units go at the same speed
F click will activate the fight command (drr) but it will help micro units
+0 / -0
11 years ago
More singularities
+5 / -1

11 years ago
Play 1v1 against better players. Lose a lot. After each game, watch the replay. Watch what your opponent did and compare it to what you did. Ask yourself what you could have done differently that would have been better.

The lessons from 1v1 will transfer quite well into team games. The opposite is not true.
+8 / -0
11 years ago
So many people complain about not wanting to play 1v1 because they think they'll get owned so they only ever play team games. Then they keep using the same shitty tactics and just hope that either their team carries them through, or the other team sucks harder.
+5 / -0

11 years ago
Best way to learn is be very aggressive. Spam tanks and do lots of attacking, make very little defence and no artillery. I got to 1800 Eli the first time doing literally nothing but spamming cudgels (now hermits) all game every game and walking them over noob frontlines.

Beware noobtrap units - units that noobs love but which in reality are very situational, like snipers, shields, heavy defences, artillery etc
+1 / -0
Did you read the advanced guide? Do you zoom out enough while playing? Might have tunnel vision. Are you greedy? Greedy for metal spots, greedy for reclaim, greedy for geospots and high mountains? Are you grinning like mad when you find an enemy moho/singu/windgenfarm? If not, maybe that's your problem, because you SHOULD grin and drool in such a situation and not be responsive to the afk-environment around you until you see the fireworks that make you break out in tears, laughing.
+4 / -0
USrankcarpal_tunnel its because of the LOS. The LOS limit your ability to fight & think.

Try watching replay of your own game to see what I meant. Enemy always did the right action and there's always option for you to counter it, but you didn't.

Experienced player always able to predict what opposite team did and can counter it before it happen, but if you are newbie you might need to watch the game without LOS to see what's possible and not possible.

The problem is: with LOS blocking your view you will play slower, but without LOS you can perform better! However, LOS is part of the game so you must beat the LOS (it will never be removed).

USrankcarpal_tunnel you can also spectate enemies' LOS in replay by going to Setting->Interface->Spectating . You can see their reaction.
+0 / -0
Another helpful tool I find in watching replays is the ally cursor widget.
The moving circles in a replay are indicative of a player's attention zone.
+3 / -0

11 years ago
That would be even better if we all had CameraLock enabled.

I watch replays/spectate games with only the sight of the selected player and, if possible, their camera lock.
+3 / -0
why do I suck so much?

Ask yourself, and get the answer -- all you need is data, and that data is in replays.

Nobody but you can analyse your fails in the end, because nobody but you has access to your thought process.
+0 / -0
Usually the thought processes are the problem.

Reclaim a lot. Have excess cons around just to make sure you get the reclaim. Only attack where he is weakest. Use radars and scouts to find where this is, avoid and ignore everything else. Avoid his army and defenses, keep him reacting to your attacks on his economy and he'll be too busy defending to attack you. Win by crushing his economy and taking the whole map, not by killing his army or by diving your whole army straight at his base. If you do have to defend, lure him into attacking your defenses and then hit him with your army at the same time. The battle taking place in your territory will make the reclaim easier to take, secure it with static defenses and constructors to convert it back into a new army as fast as possible. If he gets an early army advantage, don't be afraid to dive into a big pack of enemy units and kill them with your comms death explosion, ideally lure him into attacking your comm while it has defenses or units (the defenses do heaps of damage if he focuses the comm, the comm lives on to reclaim and repair if he doesn't). This is why you should not rely entirely on e-cells. Just make 2-3 winds or 1-2 solars as you expand for every mex you take. Commpush early for mexes. Put your factory on low priority at the start, getting more mexes is the focus early on, once you hit +12 or so your factory will be back at full production, you want to hit that ASAP.
+4 / -0

11 years ago
I'm watching the replay of your 3v3 on Red Comet and will offer my comments. Note that my Elo is only a little better than yours, so my comments may not be especially insightful (or even correct) but I'll do my best.

1:00 - Great work! You've got raiders out and are attacking with them. Awesome.

1:30-2:00 - Nice job killing the enemy eco, and keeping the raiders on the opposite side of the fac from the enemy commander. Great work there; it paid off with a dead factory, and you even kept your raiders alive.

2:00-2:30 - Looks like you had a hard time dealing with that one enemy Scorcher. Not sure what happened there... It also distracted you from controlling your own raiders, who missed a chance at some easy eco and then got picked off too easily by the enemy LLT and com.

3:00 - You're sending a stream of Rockos off to fight directly into the enemy's base as they're built. Sending a stream of units into battle from your factory one by one is a guaranteed way to lose all your units, one by one. Gather them at a rally point first, then attack as a group.

4:00 - You get a builder out and start expanding. That's good, but you probably should have done this much sooner, either getting out a builder before the Rockos, or just pushing and expanding with your commander. Expansion is victory and the sooner the better.

4:30 - Your Rockos are up against Glaives which is a bad matchup. They're also all on Fight. You might get better results using line moves to micro them more exactly rather than letting them wander around on their own. They're doing okay, but I think that's because Patrician is too busy midfield with his com to effectively micro his Glaives in the south, otherwise he should have slaughtered them.

5:00 - All your combat units are spread out in a long line marching towards the enemy base, thanks to the Fight order from the factory. They're just begging to get picked off one by one. They don't, but I think you just got lucky.

6:00 - Your units are grouped together and able to support each other, they're holding a debris field, you've built some defense (but not huge amounts!) in that area, and have sent a builder to reclaim in it. I like all of that.

6:30 - Now I wish you had three builders so that you could reclaim the debris field much faster. Your com is idle; he could be reclaiming, too. Also, your economy is starting to get out of balance - you need more energy and more buildpower.

6:38 - Uh oh, lost your builder. He was between your units and the enemy; needed to be the other way around. Keep your units close to the front, keep your builders reclaiming in the thickest part of the debris field which is also still protected, which would have been farther south, near the LLTs and Defenders.

6:50 - Uh oh, lost a lot of units by running them in a line forward into a parallel line of Defenders. You needed to pull them back as soon as you hear the missiles fire. You can't attack a line head-on with a line, you have to find a way to flank them.

Which reminds me - you need radar, and lots of it. You should have been able to see what you were charging into, but without radar you ran into a trap.

8:00 - You lost all your Hammers because you didn't have anything protecting them. Artillery needs a safe place to shoot from, and you have to make that safe place with a line of screening units. Otherwise they'll just get mopped up by raiders, just like happened here.

8:30 - Your defense at home saves the day. You lost quite a bit, although you get some reclaim out of it. By this time in the game I would have liked to see either a little more defense in your base (not much! just a little more) OR PREFERABLY a solid control of the forward field. But one or the other. Otherwise you're risking a breakthrough exactly like we just saw. There's no shame in gradually escalating the level of defenses around your base as the game progresses, as long as it matches the developing circumstances in the game.

9:00 - Here come the Ravagers. This looks like gg from here on out.

10:45 - Never give up! That's the spirit!

14:30 - ... but even a good resistance and counterpush is only delaying the inevitable.

16:45 - Good to see the builders come out and start reclaiming, there's tons of metal lying underfoot...

17:00 - ... but it's far too late. GG.

I enjoyed watching the game. You had some good moves in there, and a lot of things you can work on to improve. I hope this helps, although again, take my analysis with a grain of salt. Watch for yourself and see what you think you could do better next time.
+2 / -0
11 years ago
Wow so many great tips, it will take me a while to go through them and follow up! Especially thank you CrazyEddie for watching a replay.
+0 / -0