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Planetside II

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So, anybody in here playing Planetside II?

I'm VS on Woodman, i'd love to have someone to actually cooperate with. I'm usually sniping (rather countersniping) the crap out of enemies, or if there's an alert and platoons are up i'm repairing maxes like crazy.

The only people you really get to know are the enemies that you kill, not so much your allies actually. Kind of a bummer, since finding people to actually play with is pretty hard. Which is why i'm asking here.

Find me ingame as TheMauranKilom (for lack of creativity).
+0 / -0
10 years ago

Go find yourself an outfit! For me it was much more fun that way. Gonna return once it's playable.
+0 / -0
Yeah i'm in kotv, the biggest outfit there is. I don't know anybody really personalyl though (well, the common platoon leaders are of course known).

They are working hard on making the game faster now (OMFG: Operation make faster game), so good luck on being able to play soon.

Oh btw, this is my 1337th post. Yeah, i noticed.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
You have more posts than games played :S
+0 / -0
10 years ago
i played it but after some time it suddenly got so laggy
+0 / -0
Yeah, it got worse day by day and with every patch ever since beta. Sounds very familiar, right? :) My bet is the big performance update will make it unplayable for everybody, forever.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
I was playing this on laptop (Computer too weak x_x). It is an awesome game but they really need to work on optimalization. Also earing credits (gold in Ps2) takes years...
+0 / -0
My bet is the big performance update will make it unplayable for everybody, forever.

I know you're joking, but seriously, every single dev team they have is working on optimization right now. The whole next month will have no new content, everybody takes time for doing major, time consuming fixes and recodes.


So far they said a 30% increase in fps may occur with what they did in the first two weeks.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
I know all that. There were many updates that were supposed to improve performance. Devs said they'd focus heavily on improving performance more than half a year ago and it only got worse.
+0 / -0
I started a few days ago and saw no lag. Perhaps they did solve those issues. Is there an outfit for zk/spring players? I've been playing some Planetside 2 recently, but apparently I need someone to guide me because so far all my encounters with the enemy resulted in 0 kills despite me frantically firing at them at full-auto from a very close and personal distance.
+0 / -0
It got more playable after the big performance improvement patch. Still nowhere near perfect, but alright I think.

You playing NC? Might wanna try a different faction if you want to get some kills. Also, join an outfit. It's much more fun that way.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
You playing NC? Might wanna try a different faction if you want to get some kills

True. :D

I'm woodman VS, i'll be able to play again tomorrow.

As a heads up, you can melee attack (~40% of max health) with middle mouse button, that might be your cause of death.
Going in close and personal with people can work (especially if you're using an smg or are in a max), but your chances of fighting longer are better when shooting from a distance. I personally love sniping, but after unlocking the SMG on my infiltrator i've also been having a lot of fun with it.
+0 / -0
SMG infiltrators are worse than pre-patch ZOE. What were idiotic devs thinking. Actually, it's probably op-p2w weapons. Meh.
+0 / -0
There's zero P2W in Planetside. Stuff that cannot be acquired via cert points is only cosmetically different from the rest of the stuff (as in camo).

Until very recently, i hadn't invested a single cent into the game, but the "5€ free bonus cash if you make your first purchase" plus the 3000 SC birthday pack with lots of weapons, a camo and a 6 month XP boost was just too tempting. But before that, i had been playing for half a year just fine.

Or do you consider the XP boosts P2W?

Also, each faction has its SMGs (as opposed to ZOE maxes, which got nerfed into the ground :P) and TR's default pistol is basically an SMG.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Zero P2W? Then why is almost everything locked from start and all the op shit 1000 certs? What about defaults being the weakest? What is not p2w about xp boosts? Why did everybody complain about the old concept of implants?
+0 / -0
The different weapons aren't strictly better than each other, they have different use cases.
My AA or my AT rocket launcher deals less damage than the default dumbfire launcher. The default sniper rifle doesn't kill in one headshot, but you don't have to reload after each shot, as opposed to the dedicated bolt action rifles. The AV engi turret looks OP, but consider the reloadtime and how you are a sitting duck for any nearby snipers. I'm not really getting to use mine at least (hey, their range even got nerfed!). All the assault rifles etc. don't differ a lot in stats, there's no clear superiority, some have better attachments, some have less recoil, some have better hipfire...
You get versatility. Not raw power.

And i agree that SMGs are strong, but that alone doesn't make it P2W.

Afaik, the non-weapon certifications (like passive/active ability, tools or suit slot) cannot be purchased with SC. Those do give raw bonuses (and mostly no drawbacks), but can't be bought with cash.

I don't know how implants worked. Do i have to?

Let me ask, do you consider TF2 P2W?
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Your arguments sound like "If Glaive dps was trippled it wouldnt be op, it would only make the game more versatile.".

Non-weapon certs can be bought indirectly. You buy op weapons, then get more xp for more certs for higher level upgrades (the fact that theres more than 1 level per module explains what designers were after).

Also, don't forget camos. They can completely fuck up empire colors and make it impossible for players to tell friends and enemies appart without Q-ing them first.

I never played TF2.
+0 / -0
You either misread or misunderstood my argument (or you're not very familiar with the weapon stats in Planetside 2).
None of the weapons has "triple the dps" of others without some form of drawback. Imagine unlocking a glaive that deals 2x damage but has (way) higher weapon spread and a bit less attackspeed. That way it gets better against shields, assaults or other big targets but is less useful in early raider game.

Please go ahead and tell me which weapon you think is 3x as good as starting weapons. I can't think of any.

Cert weapons are not OP, so your second argument falls flat.

Camos make you rather prone to teamkills. If i see a yellow or red dude popping out of nowhere, he's in trouble.

If you don't play TF2, is there a game (that would be preferrably free and allows you to spend real money for stuff in game) that you consider not P2W?
+0 / -0
10 years ago
I am familiar with weapon stats. Glaives with 300% dps would still have drawbacks. Limitted health, range, speed, only available in one factory, range penalty when firing upwards, no buildpower, etc.

As for weapons: You already mentioned AT turrets, Rocket pods, all Flash weapons (notice how Fury was the most powerful, at the highest price), Dalton, Zepher, Striker, Phoenix, some shotguns/smgs (don't know names).

There's more examples, but they're less extreme. Most secondary weapons on heavy tanks, weapons on Sunderers and Harassers. Non-dumbfire rockets for heavies are better most of the time, especially when it comes to fighting p2w-pods. MAXes can't even specialize, to be useful as AA they gotta invest 1k, etc.

What's the best ways to farm certs? Can you think of any good examples? I can only think of ways that require cert weapons.

The TK argument for camo users seems minor. I can't say for sure as I'm not gonna give soe a cent and they only camo they gave me for free has more faction color than the default, so I don't have first-hand experience. I never heard of nor read about any problems from camo users though. There's a very audible ff-sound.

As for non-p2w games. Right now I can only think of ZK and PoE. I've read that some AoS games were pay-for-eyecandy-only too, but never played any of them, so can't be sure.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
@MauranKilom access to more well balanced options is a type of power. A locked weapon does not have to be OP for it to give players who own it an advantage. I assume different weapons are best in different situations so not being able to react to some situations gimps the player.
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