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Should split 1vs1 elo from team elo to stop trolls

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I noticed many high level players troll in team games and get their high elo back from 1vs1.

this is bad balance for team games where they will just troll with coms etc and i'm frankly sick of it.
+3 / -0

11 years ago
Frankly I see more players throwing in 1v1 so that they'll get better allies, because throwing a 1v1 has no consequences and you have 100% control over the outcome.

Even if you do something like being 'creative' with factory choice, or doing 10 cheese strats in a row. It's much easier to lose elo in 1v1.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
no it not. Look at optimus ky. he won all his elo from like 30 games fighting the same dude.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
u sure you not mistake "dude" for "map" ? optimus amost only plays speedmetal.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
:P i troll in all games, but noobs skew the outcome in team games not in my favor
+0 / -0

11 years ago
No they don't skew the game. Games are balanced according to elo. If you have newbs on your team it's because your elo is high. How do you still not know this?
+0 / -0
i know this, but in 1v1 i usualy walk a fine line between loosing and wining vs a noob...

i do this by limiting only a small portion of my toal income/units to attacking them. in teams i can't really do this (due to nabs), but i still troll endlessly. the end result is that i lose the game more often then my elo says i should :P

if you balance it to my high 1v1 elo, ill just screw around even more because it will be imposible to win without playing seriously... and im not godde i dont do serious play
+1 / -0

11 years ago
Would be helpful to see the other half of the image. Or maybe i'm missing something obvious (no, it's not the gun pointed at him for no reason).
+0 / -0
(no, it's not the gun pointed at him for no reason).
+0 / -0
...which is why i want to see the other half of the image. The one that's missing on the right. A mere gun without anything being able to pull the trigger is exactly the pointlessness i'm wondering about. It's definitely not obvious.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
you are missing the disembodies hand brandishing the deadly water bottle of doom!
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Idk why 1v1 elo and team elo isnt split up. Whenever your elo is too high and you get too much noobs on your team you can just lose some 1v1 battles to drop your elo alot and get good teams.
+0 / -0