core problems with PW have nothing to do with the mechanics of the metagame. The problem is that matches will be unbalanced. If we try to enforce balance too much then it becomes impossible to start games. If balance is lax then people will avoid playing games which don't favour them. It's also no fun to play unbalanced games.
For PW to advance people have to stop talking about the minute of the meta-game and work on solving the core problem. Suggest entirely different faction system, reward system etc...
There are some simple rules. This list is not exhaustive.
(1) For two players fight on the same side in a battle then they must both want to win the battle.
(2) It is very annoying when new/clueless players of your faction are exploited such that your faction is disadvantaged.
(3) You should not be able to sabotage a faction from the inside.
With condition (1) it is not sufficient to give players a large reward for winning battles. If a meta-game opponent is on your team it is possible that them not having the reward is much more valuable than you having the reward. From this condition I think we either need to set battle teams strictly along faction lines or completely rewrite the reward system.
Condition (2) covers the unknown players of your faction playing at a time when they are disadvantaged. If factions were as small as clans the players should know each other well enough for this to not be an issue.
We could relax the require that battles are balanced. Perhaps give out meta-game rewards based on the expected value of victory for either side. Due to condition (2) I think this would require a clan based planetwars. As it becomes easier for your allies to stuff up it becomes more important that you know them and can leave the clan. But this creates massive matchmaking problems, who organizes clan battles? It would be very hard for a new player to get into this game. I don't think we can reasonably limit clan size.