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Why did you hide elo?

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11 years ago
I would like to see my elo because I want to know how well i am doing. If it were visible to everyone then it would add that element of competitiveness that people have been asking for of late. Why was it even hidden in the first place?
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11 years ago
it caused smurfing.
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11 years ago
I feel that people guess pretty much easily that they are in the top-bracket elo when they end up with many beginners in team games. That would be enough for them to want to smurf if they are that kind of guys.

Thus, not sure if removing elo was not a cure worse than the desease...
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Apparently knowing your elo can be discouraging.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Sponge just google, ZK forums. There is already like 3 similar threads.

And elo is not hidden. If you really want you can look it up easily.
+0 / -0
i think deluxe player list(or whatever it was) shows elo
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Yeah Deluxe PL does that. But anyway, wouldnt showing ELO from (for example) 15 level prevent smurfing?
+0 / -0
11 years ago
If the player got into such a high elo bracket that they smurfed surely they would have a distinctive play style and just get kicked? I had forgot about deluxe PL, that shows elo.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
I've never heard of it causing smurfing before. Licho removed it from the site because he thought players with low elo would have low self esteem about themselves and feel bad etc.

I disagree, I think publicly showing elo helps people's desire to improve and compete, and also allows better cooperation with teammates because you know if someone is capable of making mexes first, supporting with air, raiding, etc.

Someone should do something about it. I guess that would be me... Just hold out a bit longer.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
"would have low self esteem about themselves and feel bad" - just as they should! ;)
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Burp is right. And even more when you are highest elo player in team its very useful to know where to spawn and see how much elo each player has(via lagy player list) Because even if you know approximately how this or that player is playing someone might be on /rename streak.
+0 / -0
"would have low self esteem about themselves and feel bad" - just as they should! ;)

People are weird, for example i played hundreds of games of Heroes of Newerth, had stable kill/death ratio 0.4 but it newer stopped me from playing another game :-D
+0 / -0
Consider this a warning. The same code of conduct for gameplay applies in the forums. -- maackey
+0 / -0
11 years ago

Someone is really bad at understanding jokes and needs to learn to read between lines!

When guy says to other guy that he is ugly he doesnt mean it. When girl says to other girl that she is pretty she doesnt mean it either!
+0 / -0
Ok, sry. I just found bad meme. The s* word is so common that it didnt occur to me that its forbiden.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
The smurfing argument is very valid too..

Visible elo leads to more competition which leads to
  • more aggressive players
  • being evil at newbies (when you see their elo it makes them targets)
  • smurfing to reach higher elo (smurf when you dont want to play very seriously)

For those reasons team game elo should not be visible at all.

1v1 elo is perfectly fine!
+0 / -0
Trying to reach an ever-higher elo is a fun goal. It'd be sad to have it hidden completely, even from top50 players.

Maybe make elo only visible to the player themselves, not to other players? This would make players able to see how well they are doing, without the negative effects of public elo.

Imo top50 list should be kept in any case though, to have some kind of a "hall of fame" for team players too.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Plan is to have rough elo always visible in the form of rank icons - waiting for USrankluckywaldo7 to make them
+0 / -0
Yeah, those elo rank icons are a really good idea, and last time I saw the concepts they looked great.

In addition to this, seeing your own elo accurately, and having a top50 list, would be nice though.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I agree with sprang. If it was visible only to the player themselves then you could see how well you are doing without all the arguments put forward against showing elo.
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