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Remove Dimplomacy for next round

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13 years ago
As a test for better balance. It is probably one of the main causes for the so many complete lopsided matches. I see 3 EI and 1 IUSP vs 2 complete newbs when it could be 3v3 at the very least. There is not enough players for a diplomacy option right now. EI has been starting 4v2 games vs complete newbs all morning and because of diplomacy it won't even the teams to at least 3v3.
+0 / -0
13 years ago

This is what I mean. What is the point of even having PW if it can be cheesed for hours?
+0 / -0
13 years ago
In fact, I really only think there should be 2 factions with such a low population of players.

All separate clans are doing is turning your already small player base against each other even more. It used to be friendly until PW was released and certain players "came back". Now people are just getting fed up with some of the extreme lack of sportsmanship, abuses of game mechanics that are going UNPUNISHED and the bad balance with games starting when it's 4v2, 6v3, etc. All I'm seeing lately from a lot of players (including me) is anger at fellow players due to bullshit because we're all competing to win this stupidly balanced PW. Don't get me wrong, it's a great idea, but game population can't support the current clan or diplomacy structure.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Planetwars is messed up. Should be 5 clans max
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I think that, as others have said, we need fewer clans. The clans fall into three groups- those that have many active and skilled players-DOOP, for example-, those that have many players, but few are skilled and/or active-like TUPM- and the many single-member clans that don't really do much most of the time. Having only a few clans would solve this problem, although it might be better either set a limit on clan size or send players to alternating clans.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
If you make some friends hellacious, or start being nice so that people like you, maybe you can join a clan and have some good teammates.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I am nice, just not to you or your troll posse.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
It's stupid !!!

Small clans get lower IPs because of techs, EI is allways balanced with DOOM together and I lost many matches because of 2 or 3 vs ME and than against my team mates.

Because I often had noob teams.

Many peoples think now that I only get IPs from good teams, but There are many balance fails - visit my other topics.

I think it should be balanced this way:

Clan who owns the planet and allianced clans vs attacker and there allianced clans.

If someone is in war with one of these both clans he get the other team

If someone is in war with both clans he become a spec else it would be really unbalanced - then he get balanced to the attackers team.

If someone is allianced with both clans he get balanced more likly to the defenders team

The others are devided to get a balanced game.

What should we do with ceasefire?

They should spectrate or teamed with defenders if really needed
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I think 2 factions with just clans in each faction (clans in same faction don't fight each other) would be easier and all around better.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I support this thread, there's no point having diplomacy if are incapable of setting up proper balancing mechanismz for it

As pointed out in hellacious' battle replays, the balancing atm is just 100% borked and if removing diplomacy will fix it then it should definitely go
+0 / -0

13 years ago
I will increase value of ELO in balancing.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
And that will cause clan member 1 of clan X against clan member 2 of same clan X more than now
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13 years ago
which is really annoying, only reason i join a clan and play planet wars is to support and play with friends.
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13 years ago
>which is really annoying, only reason i join a clan and play planet wars is to play with clanstack that gives me easy victory.

Fixed that for you.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
i could care less who wins, i enjoy playing with my clan
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