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Epic game!!!

7 posts, 784 views
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12 years ago
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12 years ago
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12 years ago
What the hell is the point of making a new forum thread when you can already post below the game??
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12 years ago
It was just that epic apparently?
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12 years ago
Well, if you link right to the download instead of the replay page, some people might actually watch because it isn't spoiled immediately.

But really though, don't make a new thread every time you win a game for that.
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12 years ago
True, but here il try to post games that i think they deserve to be watched sometimes:).It's not just for 1 game...
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12 years ago
http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/151655 1 flash 2 nab factories at start :P

probably doesnt qualify as epic, but meh I dont care!
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